
Holiday of Love

by | Aug 16, 2024 | Healing, Lee's Love Notes | 0 comments

At sundown on Aug. 18th, begins the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Av, also known as the Holiday of Love and can be celebrated by everyone! It ends sundown on Wednesday, Aug. 19th. In the Kabbalistic teachings, it is considered to be the highpoint of the year energetically and spiritually. when we are infused with the Divine Love of G-d. That Love is always available to us, but on Tu B’Av due to the nature of the month’s full moon we are more easily able to forge a connection between the heavenly and lower realms.

The Hebrew word for Love, “A-ha-vah” has much power and is used in Kabbalistic Healing. It isn’t an accident that each syllable has an “Ah” sound which is the universal vowel sound for our hearts. What do we do when we see a baby or a puppy? AAhh……… And our hearts open…
So how can we celebrate Tu B’Av? One beautiful way is to spend some quiet time thinking of someone you love which helps to open your heart. Then ask to connect to the Divine Love of G-d. You may feel a tingling sensation, a feeling of upliftment, joy or peace. You may feel nothing at all but you are still receiving the energy.
As always, express gratitude for this gift and decide how you would like to use it whether it is to pray for healing, abundance or changing a situation in your life or in a loved one’s life. For those looking for a love partner, Tu B’Av is especially considered to be an auspicious day to do so!
My husband, Rabbi David, and I will be spending time connecting to this Divine Love to pray for peace. We hope you will join us! The power of Divine Love can heal, transform, shift our entire world!
Happy Tu B’Av!

Read more on how to practice Love on Tu B’Av.

💕Love always, Lee

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