

You are about to experience a life changing modality! Connection to Healing, home to the Infinite Child Institute, provides tools and classes to enable children and adults to transform every area of their lives. Whether you are here for yourself, your child, or a loved one…. Welcome!

Meet Lee Degani

Founder, Connection to Healing and the Infinite Child Institute

Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healer

Learn about me and how I can help You, Your Child and Your Family

The Infinite Child Institute

Where children utilize their third eye to see and read blindfolded

How is this possible? How can this help my child?

Healing Sessions

How can removal of energy blockages enable healing?

How can Spiritual Tools help you and your family?

Classes and Events

Enabling children and adults to transform every part of their lives

Catch a Falling Star

I hadn’t thought about the story in years but it kept calling to me so I looked in my files to find it. It was a children’s play I had written back in 1994 when I was still in the classroom. Oh, I was quite famous for my school plays in those days! But I would always...

The Halion Child

When I wrote about Joseph last year, I didn't know he was a Halion Child. It was only recently that I learned this, when we were working with his Infinite Light Vision and he saw a color he had never seen before. He described it as having “blues and greens and aquas...

The Blessing Way of the Universe

The blessing began 14 months ago, when Sara asked her mother for a sign. But the blessing was actually planned way before in the heavenly  realms. My daughter, Rachel, didn’t know at that time she was to be a part of the Plan. But then, who of us really does during...

The Boy with Eagle Eyes

I always love to see the connections that link our experiences! This is often termed synchronicities but for me it is the Joy of living in a magical world!  A recent example occurred during a piano lesson with my adorable  six year old student, Tyson, who was learning...

Lighting up the Neighborhood

It was in 2015 that my husband who is a rabbi decided he wanted to do a mitzvah (a good deed) and volunteered to put up the Christmas Lights at the entrance of our neighborhood. And so began the yearly tradition of the Rabbi of the neighborhood putting up the...

The Secret of the Black Heart

A dear friend told me this isn’t easy work. She was referring to staying above the chaos in the world and to not take sides. Spiritual work 101- the more we focus on something, the more we manifest it. So how do we not take a side against those who want to destroy us...

The Broken Dove

I always love to set a beautiful table for holidays and the weekly Jewish Sabbath on Friday evenings. For me it is a way to radiate out Light, to send out my prayers. The first Friday after the Hamas attack, I wanted the tablescape to radiate out the Light of Peace...

The Story of Earl

We didn’t know his real name but Earl seemed to fit. And so Earl became our neighborhood cat. We are used to having neighborhood animals on Rockwell Way. We still love to talk about Rocksie the Owl and her babies and of course our rooster who still visits...

Happy Holiday of Love!

Happy Holiday of Love! This Jewish holiday called Tu B'Av is for all to celebrate! It falls on August 2 this year  but we can certainly celebrate Love everyday! The Hebrew word for Love, “A-ha-vah” has much power and is used in Kabbalistic Healing. It isn’t an...

The Heart Phone

I had a very interesting experience recently. My phone needed service so I was “disconnected” for a few hours. It was a very strange feeling. I just keep the phone with me all the time, and use it to see the time, reminders, emails, read, take pictures, you know what...

Lee’s Love Notes

Stories, Experiences and Wisdom to help you further on your path

Channeled Messages

Read the Messages of Love and Guidance from the Angels, Ascended Masters and Lee’s Guides

AAJophiel: The Sweetness of Beauty

At our April Meditation Healing Circle, AAJophiel came with a beautiful message for us all. I know it is not always easy for us to see the beauty within ourselves which he asks us to do, although we certainly see it in others! One thing I keep going back to … Read the rest

Crossing Over

I usually don't think of an ascended master as living within me. But in this beautiful message from El Morya, he explains that his essence is within each one of us. Lately I have been getting this nudge, this inner call to just cross over. I understand now where it is...

Shechina: The Joy of Hope

We all have those times when we seem to lose Hope. And lately, I have certainly been hearing this from people.  Here is a beautiful message from Shechina, the Divine Mother that brings us back to this beautiful gift we can all ignite within us.

Shechina: The Joy of HopeRead the rest

AAGabrielle: Communicating with Healing

During our last meditation healing circle, AAGabrielle brought a beautiful message of how we can communicate with healing. I never really thought of healing in this way. Hope you love the message as much as I do!

AAGAbrielle: Communicating with Healing channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Beloveds, we, Read the rest

Shechina: The Essence of Love

channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording 

Dearest One, I AM Schechina, the Divine Mother. Mother of You, mother of your heart, mother of compassion, mother of Joy, mother of Love. And what is this Love that you all so yearn for? This Love is your very essence. It flows through Read the rest

Arcturian Message: Being Mindful

I love the whole idea of mindfulness and have practiced it or at least try to practice it for many years now! I love the state of peace that it brings. But I never really thought of it as a way to create the reality we wish as the following … Read the rest

Being of Peace Message

At our last meditation healing circle, the Being of Peace visited us. This is only the second time she has come. Her message is so beautiful and brings much healing!

Being of Peace Message channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Lee: There is a beautiful being present. She has Read the rest

The Elders: Aspects of Joy

This is such a  beautiful message from the Arcturian Elders to help us all energetically receive the various aspects of Joy. Hope you love their message and the energy that radiates from it as much as I do!

The Elders: Aspects of Joy channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Greetings. … Read the rest

The Rainbow’s Message

I suppose we all have stories of rainbows appearing just when they are needed. It reminds me to never give up hope, to hold fast to my dreams. That we are not alone. 

There is one time that I will never forget. The woman is in her 30’s now. Back Read the rest

AARaphael: Seeds of Healing

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Lee: And coming out of the middle of our circle is AARaphael, angel of healing, angel of green, of the green elixir, angel of also of Joy because when we receive the beautiful healing all of the heavenly beings are filled with Joy. And Read the rest

Connection to Healing

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