
Cloud Games

by | Jul 10, 2019 | Lee's Love Notes, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Fun with Clouds!

Yes, I admit it. I believe clouds listen to me. It is actually a game we play and one that began when I was a child. I still remember my mother looking out the kitchen window checking on me.  I suppose it was because I stayed for quite awhile in that one spot under my special tree. In the cooler weather I would get inside of a sleeping bag. It was so cozy and warm! 

Once I was in position lying on my back the game would begin. The clouds always had the first turn. They would become beautiful shapes and usually turn into animals forming a  parade that I would watch with delight!  I suppose the parade was quite slow but it didn’t much matter to me. As a child, there was no such thing as time under my tree. 

After awhile of watching the parade it would then be my turn. I would think of an animal I wanted to see in the parade and then send my request to the clouds. It always seemed to help when I would concentrate on the animal while looking at the clouds and ask politely. “Could you please turn into a bunny?”  The clouds invariably listened.  

I played the game early this morning as my husband drove us to the ocean.  The clouds were just so beautiful, tinged with streaks of red, that I could not help but look at the sky!  As an adult I have added another aspect to the game in that I often ask the clouds for an answer to a question I have or to give me a message. And yes, they do listen and oblige me. 

But this morning just for fun I asked if they would form into my name, “Lee.” I saw the beginning of an “L” but then we arrived at the ocean. I am looking forward to continuing the game at home when the clouds appear.  

I haven’t ever given much thought to my game. It is just something I do. But it has me thinking that my cloud game early on began teaching me not only about the power of focused thought but that we can be powerful partners with nature and vice versa. 

I wonder how many children these days get a chance to play games with the clouds and learn such lessons.  At least in my area  children just seem to be so scheduled with their activities they have very little time to just let the day unfold. And then of course there is the issue with the phones. My neighbor recently told me how her 3 year old granddaughter prefers her Ipad to being outside. 

I can’t wait till my grandchild is a bit older so we can play this game together! Perhaps you can play it with a child as well! And if you play with a group the energy is even stronger! And then again, you can always play by yourself! Your inner child will love it!   

Do you have any experiences with playing with the clouds? I would love to hear them!

 Love, Lee


  1. Mary Ellen

    Love this Cantor Lee. Thank you for sharing🦋

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Mary Ellen! And just a perfect activity for both kids!xxxx


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