by Lee Degani | Sep 9, 2020 | Animals, Children, Lee's Love Notes
I heard the story from the mother the week before but I wanted to hear it in the boy’s own words. So he told me that when casting his fishing lure, it caught a dragonfly trapped in a spider web causing its wings to break. He used a pair of … Read the rest Share...
by Lee Degani | Jun 25, 2020 | Children, Lee's Love Notes
My grandmother used to always sing a song to me. It was called “Honey” released in 1928. It was her signature, how I knew her. “I’m in Love with you, Honey, Say you love me too, honey, No one else but you honey, Seems funny but it’s true. Loved … Read...
by Lee Degani | May 29, 2020 | Healing, Lee's Love Notes
With my sister moving I learned I would be inheriting her computer desk and hutch that I always loved. I even thought one day I would get one just like it! Thank you Universe! The timing couldn’t be better! Just two weeks earlier I had decided to paint my office...
by Lee Degani | May 8, 2020 | Animals, Gaia, Lee's Love Notes
My neighbor, Fara, has a way with animals. So much so that we call her the Animal Whisperer. All creatures love her and she loves them! You could also call her a People Whisperer for the same reason. You can usually find her outside practicing her love craft,...
by Lee Degani | Apr 24, 2020 | Animals, Gaia, Lee's Love Notes
When the bird first showed up in our backyard, I just loved looking at her! She was such a beautiful shade of brown almost close to an orange color. I had never seen a bird like her on our property so I knew she was a special visitor. I learned … Read the rest...
by Lee Degani | Apr 20, 2020 | Animals, Gaia, Healing, Lee's Love Notes
Do you ever notice that things can magically appear after thinking about them quite a bit? This is exactly what happened to me recently. In this case the “thinking” began right after my husband and I finished leading our congregation’s Virtual Passover Seder....