Talk to Trees for Earth Day!

Talk to Trees for Earth Day!

With Earth Day coming on April 22nd, here is a really fun and simple activity to do with children where they talk to the trees! And yes, adults can do it too!  I actually do this activity every year with my students during the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shvat which...
Rocky’s Gifts

Rocky’s Gifts

I first met Rocky, a two year old pup, after he found his forever home.  The two young children in his new family, six and seven at the time, were quite excited to introduce Rocky to me and I certainly loved meeting him! He was a beautiful white boxer, full …...
Thunder’s Mom

Thunder’s Mom

It was one of those beautiful days when everything just seems to flow perfectly!  My husband and I had just officiated a renewal of vows ceremony at Disney and were still flying high from the energy!  Now we were looking forward to the drive home as we always love the...
Metatron: Message from the Children

Metatron: Message from the Children

Archangel Metatron channeled by Lee Degani I am Metatron, servant of thee. I come when called and I come to assist all that call upon me. And yes, I work with the children. I work with many but the children are dear to my heart. And they have come to … Read the...
Goodbye to My Piano

Goodbye to My Piano

  I said goodbye to my piano today. I felt somewhat empty after it was taken which is understandable. We have been together for many years…. My husband and I bought the piano when we were a newly married couple of two years and had just moved into our home....
Radiating Peace with Children

Radiating Peace with Children

So much excitement about the Solar Eclipse! I still remember the solar eclipse in 1979! But this time I will be doing something I didn’t do back then, well at least consciously that is… My husband and I will be joining hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of...