Tyson’s Heart Experience

by | Jan 9, 2025 | Children, Healing, Lee's Love Notes | 0 comments

Recently one of my adorable piano students, six years old, had to have oral surgery. Tyson was quite nervous about it and so was his mother, especially since parents  aren’t allowed to be in the room during the procedure. I told his mom, I would work on transmuting Tyson’s anxiety during our Infinite Light Vision exercises which we do as part of his piano lessons and also give her a way she could energetically  be in the room with him  during the surgery. 

Tyson is fully activated with his Infinite Light Vision and can see without his physical eyes. It was quite easy for him to send up his fears about the surgery. This is part of the magic of working with our Infinite Light Vision!  

I also showed him how he could use his heart connection with his mother to communicate with her and thus feel how she would be right there with him during the surgery.  When his mother came I had her also learn to do the same. 

I always feel the beautiful Love energy that comes during such times of working with our ILV,  but this time I guess  the universe wanted me to see how profound it really is! As Tyson received the heart message from his mother he went into a completely relaxed state and it was apparent he was in pure bliss! After a few minutes he finally opened his eyes and hugged his mother. 

During the surgery, the pediatric dental team said he was the best child they had ever had! Tyson was quite proud to tell me all about it. 

I suppose it is these kinds of moments with the children that bring me such Joy! For they remind me of what is truly possible when we connect to the  Infinite Light that is within each one of us. 

May we all communicate through our Light connection!

💕Love, Lee



Infinite Child Institute



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