The Secret of the Black Heart

by | Nov 17, 2023 | Healing, Kabbalah, Lee's Love Notes | 0 comments

A dear friend told me this isn’t easy work. She was referring to staying above the chaos in the world and to not take sides. Spiritual work 101- the more we focus on something, the more we manifest it. So how do we not take a side against those who want to destroy us or others?

There is a beautiful story in the Kabbalistic tradition of a young man who lived during the early 1700’s who clearly carried the Divine Presence.  He became a teacher of the village children and would take them into the woods each day to learn from the trees, the elementals, Mother Earth, just as he had. The children and parents were joyful and the village was filled with Light!

But one day darkness  descended upon an innocent villager and he turned into a werewolf. Fear now took hold of the villagers and the children could no longer go with the young man for their lessons.

The young man was told that the only way he could dispel the darkness was by destroying the heart of the werewolf. With much courage and bravery he managed to retrieve the heart which was all black and began making plans to destroy it. But as he held it in his hands, the heart quivered and writhed in pain, clearly in agony. Then one tiny tear fell from the heart and trickled down into his hand.

The young man understood that the tear came from the Light, the Divinity Within that was trapped inside the darkness and was filled with compassion.  He could no longer  destroy the heart and  gave it to Mother Earth to heal.

When we stay above and send love and compassion to all sides, even to those who would destroy us, we are giving the Divinity Within energetic help to begin to emerge, even if it is just one tiny spark of Light. It doesn’t mean we allow or give permission in our physical world for the actions to continue that are meant to hurt us or others.

No, it isn’t easy work. I will be the first to admit that. But when we ask for help from our Divine Partners we can somehow manage.  And then together we can truly co-create a World of Peace beginning within ourselves. And that is certainly what I am focusing on!

Love Always,


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