The Rainbow’s Message

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Healing | 4 comments

I suppose we all have stories of rainbows appearing just when they are needed. It reminds me to never give up hope, to hold fast to my dreams. That we are not alone. 

There is one time that I will never forget. The woman is in her 30’s now. Back then she  was a teenage volunteer in my Hebrew School, a teacher’s assistant. But that day, she could hardly function. A young man, her best friend, had committed suicide. My husband, a rabbi, had been called early in the morning to go to the family to give support. No, his job isn’t always easy. 

I knew the girl had come to school that day because she also needed support. And so I  listened and prayed for healing as we connected heart to heart.

I then went outside as the children were due to arrive. It was lightly raining but only where we were. This can happen in South Florida that there is rain on one side of the street and not another. But then I went running back in to get the girl. There was a double rainbow that had formed  but it was only over our school building! I knew the message was for her that her friend was okay in the Light, that she was receiving healing for her broken heart. 

Here is a message from the Rainbow. Hope you love it as much as I do!

The Rainbow’s Message channeled by Lee Degani

“I am the Rainbow Fairy. That is what you may know me as. I have a name too. I actually have many names because I have many colors. I bring you peace, I bring the sense of knowing that all is well, that all is intertwined and exactly as it should be, that you can go up the ladder, you can go down, it matters not.

What matters is the feeling that you have, the feelings you are letting go of. All the control that has been trying to control you, you are now master of and you are letting go of as well. That you are letting go of all, that is what I bring you. I bring freedom, I bring freedom just to be. 

Come with me into the starry, starry sky. Yes, it is night here, it is always night here, but there are always stars that are sparkling. Can you see how beautiful they are? Can you see how those stars sparkle? That is what is inside of you. That is what is inside of each one of you. And I may go even further in saying, that is who you are. You are sparkles of light, and how you glow and shine and bring to others, how you affect others For all of us, for all of you, you touch us with this. 

You think always we are the high ones, that we are above you, that we are the ones that you need to emulate. But no, my beloveds, you are the ones that we wish to emulate.To have such courage, to go down deep, deep within the third dimension and to be able to do what you are doing. We honor you and we honor you by sending you our light as well. Just open up and feel us. 

Each one of us has our own soul signature, our own light and that is the same as you. Yes, that is true that all the answers are inside of you Because your soul signature, your light, knows where to go, where to find what it needs. You will see me anytime you see a color, anytime you see a rainbow. That is me, you can always connect to me. All of us love you, all of us are one. Farewell.”

Have you had rainbows appear just when needed? I would love to hear about it! 

Love, Lee

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  1. Ann R Davis

    The double rainbows that are being seen and photographed in many places now are black, or nearly so, in the middle section. The one shown on this site seems very dark, though not quite black, in the middle. Is the one shown here “normal?”

    • Lee Degani

      That is an interesting observation! I will keep a look out for it! Perhaps In this case, it just seems to be the way the camera was held. Love, Lee

  2. Charles J Hedetniemi Jr

    “The Rainbow’s Message” reminded me of a rainbow that cheered me when I was a new (10 months) widower. While shopping for a Christmas present for a new acquaintance, I felt a deep, piercing loneliness. Later on that trip I was crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and saw a bright rainbow over Maryland’s Eastern shore. The pain of the loneliness disappeared. That acqaintence has been my companion for a long time now.

    • Lee Degani

      What a beautiful gift you were given! Thank you so much for sharing Charles! Love, Lee


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