The Heavenly Tree Garden

by | Jan 20, 2022 | Gaia, Lee's Love Notes, Nova Earth, Spiritual Growth | 2 comments

I often have what I term “What are the Chances” experiences. Others may call such occurrences synchronicities, but I am always in Awe of the Workings of the Universe…..

As we pulled up to the property, much to our surprise a man came out. I told him we were checking if this was the right location for a wedding the following weekend. He turned out to be the father of the bride and was delighted to give us a tour! 

And so my husband and I entered what I can only call a Heavenly Tree Garden. The man’s dream was to grow fruit trees so he had given himself the gift of the property six years earlier. 

There were over a hundred  fruit trees with various kinds of fruit all emanating such Beauty and Joy to be so loved by the man! Meeting the different trees and tasting their fruit we could only be in Awe as we too became part of their Love Bond! 

As we left with a bag overflowing with starfruit and other delights, it hit me that the next evening at sundown, would begin the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shvat, Birthday of the Trees! It is a holiday when we eat all sorts of fruit to honor Gaia! What are the chances we would find ourselves on a tree farm anchored in such Love just before the holiday! 

We promised that when we would return the following  week for the wedding we would bring a big bag to fill up again. What are the chances that the very next day we would be having the actual celebration of the holiday! Everyone eating the fruit would also become part of the man’s Love Creation with the Trees! 

The man told us, “This is my way of praying: Every morning I eat fruit right off of the trees, sit on the ground and look at all the fruit growing everywhere!” What a beautiful prayer of Awe to offer each day!

As we raise our vibration we have more and more of these moments of Awe. The Universe aligns with us differently. 

Awe is one of the 13 Divine Qualities  downloaded during our online workshop, Above and Beyond into the 13th Octave. 

I  have reports of people experiencing shifts including  anxiety lifting,  panic attacks gone, feelings of peace and more. This is all from the Council of Love beginning to work with each one of us and it begins when you register! Now that is something to be in Awe about!  

 REGISTER NOW and begin the process! 

I am truly blessed to share this sacred journey with you!

With Love and Awe,

Here I am at the Tu B’Shvat Celebration! The starfruit, coconut and avocados all came from the Heavenly Tree Garden and they were certainly heavenly!  Read about Tu B’Shvat  



  1. Michelle

    I knew from our conversation that your energy and ours were aligned and we feel so blessed to have had you be a part of our wedding. Reading this has brought tears to my eyes. I’m so proud of my father. He’s worked so hard to create the farm for all of us and I just feel so blessed. I am filled with pure joy to know that he has spread love and joy in the world and I pray I am able to do the same.

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you so much Michelle for your beautiful and kind words! I am truly blessed to now have a heart bond with all the Trees and with all of you! 😍🌳


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