The Heart Phone

by | Jul 10, 2023 | Healing, Lee's Love Notes, Nova Earth | 1 comment

I had a very interesting experience recently. My phone needed service so I was “disconnected” for a few hours. It was a very strange feeling. I just keep the phone with me all the time, and use it to see the time, reminders, emails, read, take pictures, you know what I mean. And of course, I want to answer right away when my grandchildren want to facetime!

But being without the phone was also a liberating  feeling. It made me realize that I am really too dependent on it! A reminder that “disconnecting” and using our Heart Phone instead can allow us to more deeply connect to the gifts that are always waiting for us, such as nature, or our very own Divine Inner Selves.

And yes more deeply heart connect to our our children. I have even found myself being distracted by my phone when I am with my grandchildren, taking my attention away from what we are doing. I certainly don’t want them to imitate that!

Of course, our mobile phones are amazing gifts that bring connection to others in a different way. And it certainly was needed to help us navigate during our recent trip to England. But perhaps as with everything else, we just need to keep its usage in balance.  With this mind, I am certainly going to be calling with Heart Phone much more often!!

During our Meditation Healing Circle this month, July 11,  our focus will be on using our heart phones.  I am not sure yet which Light Being  is coming to help us… But whoever it is, we will certainly have a beautiful connection!


Upcoming: Igniting Infinite Light Vision!


1 Comment

  1. Stephen T Elmaleh

    To me, my phone 📱 is an invaluable source of connection with channeled messages. A link to Heaven, as it were. I use it as a learning tool. Yes, it can be a distraction, but it is also useful for improving my understanding and actions. ♥️👍


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