The Healing Nocturne with Metatron

by | Apr 16, 2023 | Channeled Messages, Healing, Metatron | 0 comments

Do you ever listen to a song or piece of music  over and over again? I do this all the time but it is with music I am playing on the piano. Usually when I begin working on a new piece, I just can’t get enough of it.

With this particular piece, a Chopin nocturne,  I did something I have never done before. Each time I would practice it, I would use the music to send healing to someone I love who was struggling with an issue which had caused a rift with other relatives. The music would just bring out so much compassion in me for all sides.

There has been such a huge shift in this person in just a few weeks that I am still in deep gratitude and amazement!  So much so, the rift in the family has been healed!

AA Metatron has this to say about the power of music:

Audio Recording 

Dearest Ones, I Am Metatron. And I come to you today to answer your questions about the vibration of music, the healing codes that are within.

You often see depictions of angels with harps. This is true that we in the angelic realms use the vibration sounds of music to not only send healing but to create. For is not healing a creation?

You have discovered the gift of music, the gift that was given to you so that you may navigate this physical world, that you may have a connection to the heavenly realm. The music is the communication that can do that. It is communication that can open your heart and send a ladder, a ladder of musical notes to reach us. And yes, we hear, we hear the messages that come through.

Now, what you are doing when you sing a song or play a piece of music on a musical instrument, or even just listen to one, those vibrational sounds become waves and they go out into the universe. They do not need to be heard on the physical level by those who are receiving the waves but they spread.

Now you know there are times that there is music composed that is not of the highest vibration. We have no judgment with this. You are here on earth to learn, to experience, to experiment. But with those particular kinds of music that are not used to heal or uplift but are meant to hurt, yes, those also go out into the universe but we do not support them. We do not add our elements of healing to them.

Now, when you pair a thought from your heart, a wish to heal, that sends a message to us and we combine with the music with your wish, with your prayer and it becomes intensified, it becomes magnified. There is power that is being given to these musical notes.

So yes, beloveds, use music, use a song you love or one that you play on an instrument to send healing, to send Love, to send a message. Send it to one that you wish to communicate with. Send it to one that you know has an issue and is in need of healing. Send it to one that you just wish to communicate with heart to heart, telepathically. Use it for yourself. The music infiltrates every cell of your body and so it is.

I Am Metatron, holder of the sacred cube, master of the Tree of Life, beloved friend, beloved ally to you, to all of you. I leave you with much Love.

💕Love Lee and Metatron

Chopin Nocturne performed by Wladyslaw Szpilman


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