The Healer Within by AARaphael

by | Dec 6, 2022 | AARaphael, Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments


AARaphael: “the power to heal has been emblazoned in your very cells”

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio of Channeled Message

I am AARaphael. I come to you today as healer, as the healer within. For you have the power to heal. I bring the additional; the additional radiance, the additional elixir of green, of healing, so you may do so.

You tend to look to the outside to heal thyself and yes there are angels here on earth that have come to do so, to help you. But the power to heal has been emblazoned in your very cells. They are clouded over that you have the opportunity to remove those clouds.

Do let this ability shine through. It is when you come to the understanding that you are of G-d. You are the Divine. In your teachings you are told you are made in the image of G-d. What does this really mean? It means that you have the power to change that which is clouded over, to remove, to see the bright light of who you really are.

Each cell is calling out, yes I wish to come into balance. I wish to let go of all that which is preventing the healing. And when you make the declaration that yes, I AM capable and I AM ready and you align with the Joy that this is so, the healing begins. The wholeness is already there, buried within. With the declaration, you uncover all that clouds it.

A cloud is a mist. It is just a mist that is preventing you from truly seeing. Come, let us let the mist turn into rain and take with it all that is doubting, all that is preventing, all that is questioning, is this possible? For it is beloved.

You are the miracle. You are the miracle of Divine Source. Come, let the healer within now come forth, come forth as the bright sun. For the clouds have moved aside and the sun is shining in all the sun’s glory, in all the brightness.

Farewell, my beloved healers. I leave you with Love. Love of that which is within, that which is within thee when you look deep inside. Farewell.


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