The Halion Child

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Children, Lee's Love Notes, Nova Earth | 0 comments

When I wrote about Joseph last year, I didn’t know he was a Halion Child. It was only recently that I learned this, when we were working with his Infinite Light Vision and he saw a color he had never seen before. He described it as having “blues and greens and aquas all swirling around. Maybe a touch of cyan.” I knew he seeing Halion, a color not presently found on earth, but one we can see in the higher dimensions.

As we traveled to the heavenly realms, I asked him if he was seeing anything else and he told me there was a Light so bright, it was hurting his eyes. He wanted to take his blindfold off but I helped him adjust to the brightness of his Divine Light.

I then asked him if he was able to radiate his Light outwards. When he replied yes, I asked him to please radiate it to the Middle East. I again asked him what he was seeing and he told me people were being healed, they were getting along.

I suppose we have all had those moments when the Divine is so present that we are touched in the deepest recesses of our hearts. And so it was afterwards as Joseph and I sat together in silence. After a few moments, he told me as only a 9 year old can, “I always feel so peaceful in your house. When I first came, I thought it was a sanctuary.”

Later, I shared this experience with my dear friend and mentor, Linda Dillon, who channeled the original information about the color Halion and the Halion Engineers, beings of sheer energy originally from the planet Halion, who have come to help throughout the omniverse. Linda told me there are very few adult Halion Engineers who have incarnated on Earth but the children who carry the Halion ray have come to be the architects and builders in the new paradigm.

I excitedly interrupted her, remembering a previous article about Joseph and the amazing synchronicities that enabled him to learn about architecture, one of his most favorite subjects! I even wrote at the end, “It wouldn’t surprise me if one day, Joseph becomes a famous architect!” Read Here: Workings of the Universe

This past weekend I had a gathering at my house to pray for peace. Joseph was one of three children there at the time. At one point, I asked the children to especially focus their Light. Joseph looked at me understanding what he was to do. The energy then perceptibly shifted, transporting all our prayers on rays of Halion Light!

💕Love, Lee



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