The Gift of a Mistake

by | Jun 22, 2021 | Lee's Love Notes, Spiritual Growth | 8 comments

Did you ever have difficulty forgiving yourself for a mistake you made? Well, this happened to me recently.

I still sometimes ponder why I took the actions I did. After all, as a spiritual leader and teacher I hold myself up to the highest standards. I even have my own personal rule: Make sure I am in a higher vibration before communicating with others. As a lightworker I know the power our energy states, words and even our thoughts have on others. But still I broke this rule, even ignoring my guidance, that inner voice that kept saying, “Don’t send the letter. You’ll be sorry! Wait!”

So what happened that I ended up sending the letter? Well, I got triggered and acted on it!

Triggers are actually our best friends as they bring issues up to the surface that have been hiding inside of us. But that doesn’t mean those issues are always easy to look at or process as we experience the various emotions associated with the issue. You know the list, overwhelming sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, etc. There is a reason they have been hiding!

What was hiding within me was a fear of being singled out and persecuted that had its roots in past lives, my ancestral lineage and experiences in my life. I was triggered when it appeared that students were being singled out and embarrassed in a class. It wasn’t really true but I could only see through the lens of the trigger which always distorts what is really going on.

My letter of apology was graciously accepted but I was still emotionally affected by my mistake. I knew the next step was to not dwell on the mistake and forgive myself but that wasn’t so easy.

The only guidance I was receiving from within was to love myself more deeply. How was I supposed to do that while still being so upset?

I was then shown an infinity sign. Well I just love infinity signs and often use this figure eight pattern in energy healing.



My favorite necklace is actually an infinity sign which has been made into the shape of a triangle. It is inscribed with the Hebrew prayer called the Shema which is about oneness and unity.



A dear friend and teacher, Linda Dillon from the Council of Love, has a beautiful way of using the infinity sign. Place a golden infinity sign in your heart and then extend the energy to the heart of another person. There will be a deep love exchange that will be felt even with the person not consciously aware of what you are doing.

This way of using the infinity sign really resonated with me especially since the golden color of the sign infuses us with the energy of Archangel Gabrielle (the feminine counterpart of AA Gabriel also known as AAGavriel.)




But how would I send the golden energy of the infinity sign back to me? The idea came to make a hologram of myself in the spiritual realm. As soon as the flow began between my heart and my hologram’s heart I could feel the stuck energies leaving bringing a shift within. I kept it flowing throughout the next day and yes, I was then able to fully forgive myself.



A few days later a mother of three told me how she tries everyday to stay in the higher realms and be cognizant of her interactions with her children but she doesn’t always stay there. She was quite upset with herself.

I told her, “Do I have a story to share with you!” She smiled at the end so relieved. She said, “These were just the words I needed to hear! After a mistake I just need to pick myself up again!”

“Yes, I said. “We just need to learn from the mistake, forgive ourselves and continue on doing the best we can.”

So now I share this story with you. Perhaps some of these words will be just what you need to hear too….




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    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Raulo! xxxx

  1. Ragini Pierce

    Thank you very much, Lee for sharing. It is very timely, for a memory of a decades-old regret for something I had done I had floated up to the surface of my mind today. I murmured an “I am sorry” to the person whose face and incident I recalled. So, I imagine I was unconsciously harmonizing with the energy of this holy day.

    • Lee Degani

      So beautiful, Ragini! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Lisa Sorce

    Thank you Lee! Beautiful guidance and insight ❤️

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Lisa!xxx

  3. Will Pieper

    You are such an inspiration to me Lee. Loving ourselves is often the most difficult thing to do, thanks for the reminder.

    • Lee Degani

      I hear you Will! The gift is also that we can support each other with this! Much Love!xxx


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