The Elders: The Voice Within

by | Feb 6, 2025 | Channeled Messages, The Elders | 2 comments

The Elders, a group of Arcturian Beings first began bringing me messages in October of 2022. I am always delighted to hear from them and especially with this message of how to hear our inner voice when we have difficult decisions to make.

Audio Recording

“Greetings, dearest ones.  We are the Elders. We come to you from Arcturus and we speak to you with one voice. And we ask you to also bring the parts of thy sacred self together and see with one voice. How is it possible to see with a voice? It is a matter of observing. What are you observing? What are you observing in your day to day moments, in the way that your physical body feels the experiences that are coming around you.

When you observe, you are given a gift, a gift of knowledge, a gift of deep understanding. And that understanding speaks to you with a voice. Many believe that it is the voice of the Divine or the voice of Love. It is really the voice of your sacred self. It is a voice that often wants to come through, but you do not hear it. You wish to ask outside, others who may know more than you do, what is the best course of action to take? And we come back to you and our answer is to guide you into, what does your inner voice say? What is the deep wisdom that wants to come through?

And you may exclaim and you may cry out that I cannot hear you and that is why I am calling out to you and this is how we can help you. We can help you take that step aside which then brings you to the step above to see, to observe the way you would with a crystal ball.

Now, it is always fine to ask another for guidance, for wisdom. But in the end, beloved, only you can truly decide what is the best course of action. And so we come to bring you these words of reassurance that however you choose, it is the right course of action where there really isn’t such a thing as right and wrong. Oh, yes, there is when you see right action and wrong action. But to take a course of action, beloved, if you are truly aligned with that voice that is coming deep within, it will steer you where you are meant to go.

So we ask you to look within your sacred self and decide what is it that you truly wish for? If it is a huge creation project, what is the tiny step that I can begin to take to bring it to fruition?

And so we leave you telling you that we are with you. We as a collective decided that this would be our mission to help you and we do it by supporting you, by guiding you. by bringing you such messages as the one today. Begin to trust, trust what your inner voice is saying, what your inner eye is showing you. And we are smiling with you for the answers are there. Farewell.”

💕Love always, Lee



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  1. Aggie Goldenholz

    Dear Lee…. you are my angel… Words that you shared are just beautiful and so needed and is welcoming…..
    I always thought of you to be an angel… Thank you for confirming that…

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Aggie, you have truly touched my heart so you too are an angel!


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