The Elders on Joy

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Channeled Messages, The Elders | 0 comments

So many people tell me that Joy is elusive for them. It seems something happened along the way for we are designed to be Beings of Joy! But we can get back there!

 In the Hebrew calendar which goes by the moon, there is an entire month called Adar, which helps us access the energy of Joy! It began Tuesday, Feb. 21st at sundown.

 This message from The Elders certainly fills me with Joy! Hope it does for you too!

 The Elders: On Joy

 Audio Recording

 Greetings. We are the Elders. We come from Arcturus and speak to you as a group energy. The topic today is “Joy” for this is what you have asked about and this is what you are experiencing. Joy is a spark of the white Divine Light that is within each one of you. It is the spark of the Creator. The spark that takes hold, that is the essence of your soul.

 Joy is the energy, is the creative force that We tap into, that We utilize to bring healing, to raise the frequency of all projects that We have taken. It is inherent within you.

 Look at your fingers. See how they can move. There is a joy in that movement. A spark of Joy is within each part that brings the movement. For are the fingers not meant to move? Are they not meant to create? Are they not meant to do? Are they not meant to caress, to love? The fingers are fulfilling their purpose. The fingers are bringing into physicality that which is within you. The urge to caress, the urge to create, the urge to love.

 You sometimes feel that you must have something in order to obtain this Joy. The Joy is the basis for the obtaining. The Joy is there already. It is a matter of accessing it. It is a matter of knowing it is there. It is a matter of letting it spread, letting it spread throughout your sacred self. And in doing so, it radiates out its Joy to the world.

 I leave you with these thoughts. I who AM speaking is of the We, the Arcturus and so it is with Joy. We do not say “us” for “us” indicates something of which you are not a part of.  We say “We” for We are One. And in that oneness is the delight, the Joy of Joy!

Spread your Joy today, beloveds. Find that which brings you Joy, that ignites it. For it is always within and let it spread. Farewell.

 💕Love, Lee and The Elders

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