The Elders: Love is in the Air

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Channeled Messages, The Elders | 0 comments

I wondered what I was going to write in this week’s newsletter and kept hearing “Love is in the air, utilize it.” It isn’t the first time I received this “snippet message” from the Arcturian Elders. It first came a few weeks ago but I wasn’t quite sure what it meant exactly.

I asked “What do you want me to do with this?” I was shown a beautiful wooden box in the sky with the sides made from an exquisitely designed lattice. Inside the box are the situations to which we send Love or are experiences of Love. That Love continues to keep the box filled but the Love also radiates out into the air.

“How do we utilize it,” I asked? This is the answer from the Elders:

Audio Recording

Dearest Ones: we are the Elders. We come from Arcturus. We speak with one voice and so it is our blessing, it is our delight, it is our joy,  our love to answer the question you have posed. How does one utilize Love in the air? 

You have been shown the box. This is just a metaphor for what happens when You are the ones that send your Love. For that Love wraps around every situation, every individual, any animal, anything that you are sending your Love to whether it is to heal or to show appreciation or to be in Joy. 

Now let us take the situation that is mostly on your mind right now and that is of the war. You have been sending your Love and whether you say that you are sending Healing or you are sending Light, it is still Love that you are sending. For Love encompasses all. Love is the divine energy and so as you send that Love to the situation of war, yes it is working with that, but it is also radiating out into the air for you to access it in other ways. Now the more that you send this Love, the more that the radiations are affecting you and everyone else. 

These boxes will never disappear. Once they are put in place, they are there for eternity, for Love cannot be dissolved. Perhaps the situation will dissolve, the situation that you originally sent Love to. 

Now, especially beloveds, if you are feeling moments of being lost or hopelessness or wondering will things ever change and you find it difficult to make that connection of Love to raise yourself up somewhat, just connect to these beautiful boxes of Love and feel the radiation, the Divine Radiance that is coming out, that is infusing your every being, that is refusing all that wants to stop it and infusing that wish to stop it with Love so that it can then flow. 

Let it now go out into the world and do its job of radiating. You don’t always realize that you are a main element in this exchange and so we leave you with these beautiful boxes. The number in the world is more than you can even count. Keep creating them, keep reaching out to bring in the Love when you feel lost. And all will be well. All will be of Love.

We are with you. Just call to us and we are here. Farewell. 

Love Always,


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