The Divine Mother: Harmonizing to bring Healing

by | Sep 24, 2023 | Channeled Messages, Divine Mother-Shekinah, Healing | 0 comments

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

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Greetings, I am the Divine Mother, your beloved mother, the mother of your heart, the mother of your joy, the mother of your compassion. And yes, the mother of your tears. Do you not think that when you cry, when you call out, that I also do not cry? But beloved, those tears that I shed are tears to heal you. They are tears of compassion. They are tears of my heart. Yes, they are tears of the rain that comes that you once again may be filled up. 

Yes, you wonder, but Mother why is it that I have to go through so much right now and I look around and everywhere in the world,  I see people in pain, people not healing, children hungry, animals without homes and Gaia’s balancing, yes, I understand the balancing, but what is happening? 

And I explain to thee, you have been designed throughout the eons of history that you live in a physical body and when you live in a physical body, there is a time that you go through labor pains. And yes, as a collective you are going through these labor pains right now. 

Is it easy? Not always. But we all are here with you. And we celebrate you and we thank you and we love you. For you have said yes, I will go, Mother, I will help during this time of rebirth for humanity. Now, I have given you many tools. And yes, all my beloveds of the Council have given you many tools and so we ask that you use them to make the labor pains easier. 

But I have given you one that it is even beyond. You weren’t quite ready for it previously. But you are ready for it now. And you have been during this whole year of conjunction, of this time of change. It is my gift of harmonizing. 

Now when you have a choir and there are children singing, sometimes there is a child that is offkey. But as the rest of the choir sings, that key of the child starts to be nudged so that it can join with the others. And it doesn’t matter if it’s adults singing and it doesn’t matter if there are  adults and children singing and it doesn’t matter if it is you trying to deal with all that is happening in your life, in your families, in your communities, in the collective. 

I have given you this gift, this power. Now the tendency is when there is something very painful, when there is something that you don’t want to see, that you want to push it away. What I am asking you to do is to not push it away but to embrace it. To embrace it  by harmonizing with it. Now you do not need to bring it into your full heart. You may keep it right on the outer edges of your beautiful divine field. And as you harmonize with the pain and as you harmonize with those who you wish you could turn away, there is a spark inside that pain, a spark of those who are harming others, a spark inside those who have lost hope. There is a spark that is ignited and it is the spark of Love. And it begins to fill, it begins to harmonize with itself because you have given it the chance. And it goes out into the collective to others. 

For that Light, that Love is within every kernel, beloveds. Even that which you want to push away. Even that which you say, okay, I noticed, I have decided I will send Love to it over there. Bring it closer. It is alone, it is yearning, it is crying out. And you are my helpers, you have been given this gift that you may bring it closer and you may harmonize with it. And thus, it may heal. 

Feel my rain, feel my rain now. Feel the rain of yes, some call it the Divine Attributes of Mercy. Each religion, each culture has a different way, different language and it is all the same. And all the ways are honored. Let it come now, beloveds. For you are the rose, we are one and the same. Open your petals. Let the rain come now, bringing the dewdrops of my Love, cleansing. 

I bid you farewell, but there is really no such thing. I am with you every moment. Just call to me and I am there. Farewell. 

💕Love the Divine Mother and Lee

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