The Boy with Eagle Eyes

by | Feb 10, 2024 | Children, Lee's Love Notes | 0 comments

I always love to see the connections that link our experiences! This is often termed synchronicities but for me it is the Joy of living in a magical world! 

A recent example occurred during a piano lesson with my adorable  six year old student, Tyson, who was learning a song called “Singing with Eagle.”  This was the perfect time to practice some Infinite Light Vision exercises which I integrate into the children’s lessons!  The game was to use his “eagle eyes”  while wearing a blindfold to find his  “prey” – in this case a toy truck he had brought to the lesson. 

When  we returned to the piano though, it seemed Tyson was still using his eagle eyes! But this time without the blindfold! I couldn’t figure out why he kept staring into the dining room rather than focusing on the piano. He told me there was a bird in the room. There was? And sure enough, then I saw it too! A mockingbird was perched on top of a crystal lamp! 

I couldn’t believe it! How in the world did it get into the house! The only other time over the past 30 years, a bird got into our house was when my cat Keshet dragged one in! Fortunately we were able to save it but then had quite a time luring it to the open door!

So once again the game of eagle eyes began. First the bird  flew up on the chandelier in the foyer. But then it disappeared. Tyson with his eagle eyes found it right away. “There it is!” he  said, excitedly pointing! It had flown onto a ledge by the window. Again it disappeared but Tyson saw him hidden inside the chandelier! The game went on for a few more moments with Tyson using his eagle eyes to find every hiding place. Finally the bird flew out the window we had opened for it in my office! 

We were both quite excited to tell Tyson’s mother about our  adventure! The rest of the day, I couldn’t stop smiling  as I knew exactly why the bird came into the house. Tyson had so much fun being an eagle with eagle eyes, he wanted to play the game some more! Definitely a magical world! 

Love, Lee



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Here is Tyson in a beginning experience to activate his Infinite Light Vision. Isn’t he adorable!




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