Shechina: Tears of Love

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Divine Mother-Shekinah, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Have you ever wondered if the Divine cries? This is a beautiful and heart opening answer from Shechinah, the Divine Mother.

Shechina: Tears of Love channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Dearest One, I am Shechina, Divine Mother, mother of your heart, mother of compassion, mother of you. The question today is,  “Does God cry?“ And thus the question I ask of thee, do you cry? For one cannot be separated from the other. You are an essential part of God, the physical manifestation, so when you cry tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of anger, even tears of laughter – what you would call God, the Divine Source, also cries these same tears.

Now there are many attributes of God besides the physical manifestation of you. But beloveds, all those manifestations also feel the tears that you cry. Tears are a gift, they are a gift from my heart to you. You were designed that you can cry.

You may think of tears as having a magical reason for being. For especially the tears of sorrow,  the tears of grieving, the tears of sadness, the tears of frustration, the tears of anger – these tears act as an activation that the heart of God is filled with compassion which is always there, that it flows out to thee, the one that is crying and to all who are in need. You can think of it as a fountain of love. You can think of it as Tears of Love.

Now, what does that compassion do? That compassion infiltrates, it finds places where hope is needed, where comfort is needed, where joy is needed, where peace is needed, where the cessation of pain is needed, where an easement of the emotions that are bringing you distress are needed.

Tears, beloved, are a way of praying. You are never alone. Yes, you look around the world and you feel frustrated and you cry, you cry for the horrors. And as you do, compassion is released, it overflows, for the compassion you can think of are the tears of God.

Now what happens when you laugh and tears come? Or when you are in the utmost joy? Perhaps you are out in nature and you are touched by the majestic vibrations of a mountain. That also activates the joy and that activates the awe, that activates the wonder and that also travels into the world touching many, touching all that who ready to receive and even touching those who are not.

This is how you are designed beloved, that you have these gifts of tears to help you with your physical presence upon the earth. For we are partners, we are One. One feeds the other.

Now is it necessary to bring the compassion with tears? Beloved, you only need to feel compassion in your heart and that also is an activation that brings the activation all the way up through all the levels of God. And compassion flows.

And when you are having difficulty feeling that compassion and perhaps you are too numb to cry, you only need to ask and the compassion, the Tears of Love will flow from God, will flow from my essence as your mother. For a mother always has special tears for her children.

So I leave you now with Tears of Joy, Tears of Love, that we have connected in this way. Farewell.”

💕Love  Lee



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1 Comment

  1. Rebecca

    I wanted to let you know how much I received from this beautiful message. It opened a new understanding in me that my tears could actually reach out and bless others. Thank you for this & for sharing your gift.


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