
Shechina: A Gift of Healing Flowers

by | Sep 29, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Divine Mother-Shekinah, Healing | 0 comments

Shechina, the Divine Mother, brought a beautiful gift of healing flowers during a monthly meditation healing circle. Here is her message and gift that will be downloaded into your essence.

Shechina: Healing Flowers channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“I say hello, my sweet ones. We do not really need to say hello, because we are intertwined at all times.  For you are a part of me as I am a part of you. So why beloveds, do I say hello? I say hello so that I and you may come into conscious knowing. 

Oh, it is my wish that you would know that I am with you at all times, you would connect to me every moment. But I know what it is to be on earth for beloveds, each feeling that you have, each struggle, I feel it too. What do I do with those struggles and what do I do with those cares? I take them and I send you signals to say do not despair. All will be well. You may sometimes feel a breeze on your neck or a tug in your heart or perhaps the wind blows by you, a leaf rustles. I have the power to make all of that happen and I use it to get your attention to tell you, you are never alone. Oh, you tend to think that you are. And that you must struggle, you must do penance to find me. But that is just a false belief that people decided they would put in place. 

What I bring you now beloved are those precious flowers that were shown to you before of the six petals and the center piece. For what does it add up to? It adds up to the sacred number of seven. Now each number has its sacredness, but today you the six and I bring you the seven for the six are the parts of your sacred self and the seven the unity that I bring. So take each petal and let us put it in a place that will bring you comfort, that will bring you healing. And each time you take off one of these petals, more will grow. It is my gift to you.

It is a gift from my heart so the first petal now, I give to thee as it comes into your forehead, your beautiful skull, your beautiful eyes, And the next one is being placed upon your sacred throat where you bring communication and the next one is being placed on your shoulders and your heart.

And thus we go down to your solar plexus and we place another one on your pelvic area. And the sixth one upon your legs and feet. And the seventh one is of my pure essence wrapping you as you were wrapped as a baby. But I wrap you now, For you may be grown but as a mother says to her child, you will always be my baby. So let me bring this to you, my gifts to you this day. Now if you wish to find these petals again, you just need to think of them and you will know that I am with you.” 

Love, Lee



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