
AAMichael: Seeds of Peace

by | May 6, 2022 | AAMichael, Archangels, Channeled Messages | 0 comments

AAMichael channeled by Lee Degani

I Am Michael, Mi-cha-el. Welcome. Greetings. Love, Peace, Joy. I am a warrior, a warrior of peace. And with the peace do not these things come? Love, Joy, Peace? For are they not one and the same from Source?. From the Divine Mother? From Shechina? But with different emanations.

You have  come here to discover, to discover what is inside thee. And Beloveds, it is pure. It is sweet. It is Love. For that is the very essence of who you are.

Love, oh love can have many names. Love has the name of G-d. Love has the name of compassion. Love has the name of justice,  justice with balance.

You are all on a journey. But we are on a journey, we are in partnership. Partnership of the highest. For this is what you agreed to. “Oh, I will be there, Michael, Mi-cha-el.  I will call on you. I will remember what I am here to do. I will help you plant, plant a garden of peace. Plant a garden of Love.” 

Do you not see the garden is you? You are the garden, you are the flowers. You are the seeds of peace that are being sown into the earth.

But Just like the dirt that needs to needs to tumble over each other, the particles. So you must be raked as well. Yes, and doing so, the new mixes with the old. And that which is no longer necessary can be transmuted as it mixes with the new.

That is why you are here, together. For with each seed that connects, the love, the peace grows stronger. And you become the flame, the radiance of the flower, sending waves outwards. Yes, every flower has a flame, as do you. It is your radiance, your ray.

Today I once again bring you my rake. The tool of cultivation. Is not the three pronged little rake called a cultivator tool? What are you cultivating beloveds? You are cultivating you.

So as you become each seed, each seed of peace mixing with the old and the new, so you become the flowers, radiating out your love. Bringing the rays of healing in so many different beautiful rays expanding outwards that you may touch others. 

The cultivating tool. Three prongs.  And three is the magical number, isn’t it? For three is One coming together,  Divine Father, Divine Mother, You. You are the triad. There is three but yet there is One.

And so my beautiful flowers, may you be peace, may you be flowers of love, may you be flowers of joy. And may you radiate out your beauty to all.

Use the cultivating tool. Use it even on yourself. Let it stir up that which no longer needs to be inside of thee. As it mixes with the new it will be transformed. 

Shine brightly my beloved flowers, my beloved flowers of peace. Farewell. 


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