Did you know that the merkaba, a universal symbol, comes from the Kabbalah? The Hebrew word is merkavah and means chariot, a Light vehicle that develops during our ascension process so we can travel through time and space.

It has always been taught that there would come a time when the secret knowledge of the Kabbalah would be available to all. That time is now!

Part of this sacred knowledge includes harnessing the power of Hebrew which is a Language of Light. Each letter and word is encoded with certain frequencies.

For example, the Hebrew letter, Shin, which looks like a trident is a fire letter that carries the power of healing, protection and peace. It isn’t an accident that Shalom, the Hebrew word for Peace, begins with Shin!

Hebrew Letter Shin


Utilizing the Fire Energy of Shin is just one of the Sacred Teachings of Love I will be sharing in my upcoming workshop, Sunday, May 1st, Above and Beyond: Secrets of the 13th Octave! This is a one day workshop, virtual or in person, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Eastern. And yes, all will be recorded and have the same energies and downloads!

Just with the preparation I am in complete Awe with the energy of this workshop and how I have further shifted! But that is the magic of working with the Council of Love!

If you have taken a previous class with me you are probably asking about my husband, Rabbi David, who keeps us all laughing! Yes, he will be there too bringing his humor and wisdom as a rabbi!

Lee and David

If you haven’t already done so, I hope you will register and experience the magic too!  The class portal is already open with preparation materials. REGISTER HERE

In the meantime, receive the  Energy of Shin with the aspect of Peace through the Shalom Peace Prayer.



Questions? Email me at lee@connectiontohealing.org


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