Receive the Golden Radiance by AAGabrielle

by | Oct 2, 2022 | AAGavriel, Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio of Channeled Message (background sound is from waterfall)

I am Gabrielle and I come to you today in my golden radiance. For are there not times that you long for this? That you feel tired or perhaps you feel low. Ah, I can say blue but I don’t know since blue is actually something that is positive. All is on the scale.

But when you are feeling this, feeling what you may consider a depressed state with either physical ailments or reasons or from mental ones or emotional ones, beloveds, it is just a part of being in your human form. It is not to be judged. It is to be loved.

And I bring you the golden radiance to help uplift you. Perhaps you can go sit outside where the sun is shining for the golden radiance is there in each ray, in each being, in each spark. That is the warmth that comes through, the warmth to melt that which is keeping you sad, that is keeping you out of balance.

The golden radiance can be found and accessed and brought into your very being even if you do not sit in the rays, the gifts of the sun. For you only need to connect to it, to visualize. The sun has its essence  as well, its consciousness. Everything does.

But when you are feeling in such a way, bring yourself into the sun in your inner journey and I will come and let the rays lighten your heart, lighten your physical being, lighten your thoughts.

And where does this golden radiance come from that I carry? And that the sun carries? It comes from the Source. It comes from the highest place of the Divine Father, of Yahweh. And there is even a place that is deeper and that is the Oneness, the Unity. For the golden radiance is in every particle, every color. The colors are just separated so you may understand.

In truth, we are all one, even the rays. But yet, for you to understand them, they come out in different forms. So come now, let us ride on the golden ray together. See the Divine Father sending his radiance. See it going through the sun and I now collect it and bring it to you.

You may connect to either one of us as well, to any of us. But if you are looking for the golden radiance, call on me, call on the Divine Father. And you will have this beamed into your essence. Feel it seep through every part of your essence. And then let it go from your feet into Gaia so it may be shared with all. And as it goes out into the world, it comes back gathering even more.

You forget at times when you are in need of sleep, when you have done too much, when you are in need of the balance, of the solitude, of the silence, that  you have all of this waiting for you. You forget but we do not forget you and so we have come to remind you.

See the sun twinkling over you now, smiling, sending his rays, sending her rays and as you travel up through these rays, deeper and deeper into the central sun, you are renewed beloved.

Accept and receive. You are loved without measure. Farewell.


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