Quan Yin: The Fire Within

by | Oct 26, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Healing, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

I can’t stop listening to this message from Kwan Yin. It just transports me! I  guess I really am flying on my dragon!

Quan Yin: The Fire Within channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Dearest ones, I am Quan Yin. I come with my dragon, I come with the fire. I come with the fire that is present within you. For the fire that I bring is the fire that you bring and this fire connects and it connects within each one. This is the message that I bring you. I ride on my dragon but the dragon breathes fire but the dragon is within each one of thee.

You have often looked to the skies. You have looked to the earth and you have asked for the answers. This is one answer that I bring to connect to the fire that is within. It will flow through the body. It comes from the soul. It manifests within your hands, within your heart, within your eyes. You perhaps have heard of shape shifting. You have the power to do this as well. When you become the dragon yourself, a dragon of Love, a dragon of brightness, a dragon of Joy for this is within your DNA.

If you go back through the eons of time, you will find that you have always had access to the fire. It is a fire that inspires you. It is a fire that burns within. It is a fire that if it gets out of control and not in balance, it can destroy,  but it can also burn up that which you no longer wish to carry.

And it can be a fire that soothes as a warm fire is when you sit in front of a fireplace on a cold winter night. Or perhaps in front of a campfire in the cool evening. And you roast your marshmallows or you stare into the fire and you are transported.

The candles, they hold the flame. That is why you are so drawn to lighting candles and I ask you to stare at the flame and notice and be transported. For you are then within the aspect of the fire. It is why candles are so important and so revered in many of your traditions because it is connecting you to that fire, beloved. The fire that is within. The fire that inspires. The fire that is of Joy. The fire that heals. The fire of connection.

Come with me now and mount your dragon, that you may fly, that you may spread your fire of Joy, your fire of Love. The fire of your heart throughout the omniverse and this is what will heal the world.

Farewell with Love. “

💕Love always, Lee



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