Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom

by | Nov 24, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Healing | 0 comments


Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom & Dragon Essence Healing  channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

This channeling came through during our Nov. Meditation Healing Circle which was Election Day in the US. After Quan Yin spoke and radiated her essence  to us, the Dragon Essence jumped right in to guide us through a chakra healing which was was a beautiful surprise! I just love the energy of the dragons! 

Lee: And I step aside as Quan Yin comes forward. 

Quan Yin: Greetings, I am Quan Yin and I am in deep Joy to be here with you during this sacred time when decisions are being made, when in the certain part of the world right now, votes are being counted. But I come to bring you the message that you have a beautiful flame within you and it is the flame of freedom. It is the flame of choice. It is the flame of healing. It is the flame of Love. 

You were made with many elements, the air, the earth, the water. You breathe and connect to the air element that was put inside of you, yes the ruach.  And you flow, your blood flows, your energy flows, your circulation systems flow and so you connect to the water. And your physical body of course is connected to the earth because you are also of the same material. And the beautiful spirit is within your heart as you connect to the ethers. 

But I come today to speak to you about the fire that is also a part of your essence for it is a fire that can get out of control if you allow it. It is meant to go from large to small to embers, to a huge glowing fire. You have the ability to modulate it. There are times when it does get out of control and so tonight I  come to help you learn what you can do with it. 

I ask you now to just close your eyes if they are not already closed and see a beautiful fire inside your heart. When you look at a candle, it waves back and forth, the flame, does it not? So does this fire within you flicker and wave back and forth. 

Now there are times when you might feel that you are in need of more fire, you are in need of more healing and so I bring you the remembrance that each one of you, has your own dragon accompaniment and you might have more than one. Some of you have many and when you feel that your fire needs to be lit and more fire needs to come and you are not sure how to do that, call on the dragon elements of your sacred self. 

Now tonight, we are bringing the fire to a level that you wish. Do you wish to have a glow? Do you wish to have a roaring fire that can heal much? Do you wish to have it at medium? Whatever situation comes to you, you may adjust it, just as you can adjust the heat in your home, just as when you make a fire, you can add more wood, you can blow on it.

 So I will be here guiding as we use this fire to bring the most profound healing, to bring to the collective, to open up hearts everywhere. Farewell. 

Dragon Essence Healing

And right now the most beautiful dragon is coming underneath you. Yes, I am the Dragon Essence and so now all of my brothers and sisters now have each taken a place and each one of you may mount. 

And we begin and feel how this beautiful fire, it is an ember that is coming up through your body right now. It is coming through all of the chakras with each one, it spins it, going up through the root. 

Feel the warmth of the fire that we are sending you. It is coming now to the pubic. Feel the warmth. It is coming up to the sacral. Feel the warmth as this fire from the embers spins and the spinning, the fire strands which Quan Yin has woven for us are going from chakra to chakra so they are connected, woven together, going up now to the umbilical.

 Feel the warmth, going now to the solar plexus. Feel the warmth as it spins. Going now to the halion. Feel the warmth as it spins. Going to the heart. Feel the warmth as it spins. All spinning in tandem with each other. If one spins another way, just accept it. 

Coming now to the high heart. Coming now to the clavicle, spinning with its warmth,  coming now to the throat, spinning with its warmth, coming now to the clavicle, to the fourth eye at the eyebrows, coming now to the third eye, to the fifth eye, to the crown as the fire nows comes from above, liquid fire coming in to open even further every part of your energy centers so you may receive this liquid healing. 

Love, Lee



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