Metatron: Send Love to the Virus

by | Jan 23, 2021 | AAMetatron, Channeled Messages, Healing, Meditation, Metatron | 0 comments

AAMetatron channeled by Lee Degani

During a meditation healing circle, Metatron came with this beautiful message to heal the virus.

What beloveds do you wish  to heal this evening?  What do you wish to bring into your life?  What do you wish to bring in for your loved ones and yes we have heard you. And we will also by your request be working on the virus itself. And the way we will be doing that is to be sending it Love. To be sending it Divine Love in the form of Light. And that might be strange you may ask, that we would ask you to send Love to the virus. But that is the  essence of all. Each speck of matter, each part of the earth, each essence is made of Love. It is the surrounding areas that get confused. So when we send Love we are  able to help that spark remember what it is made of. And once it remembers its true essence it cannot be anything but for the good. And all the anxieties and all the fears,  they are the blockages. And we are asking you dear ones to send Love to those too for they are just like lost little children who don’t want to be wrapped up in that darkness. They’re yearning to see the light and that is why they are acting up, And why they are attaching themselves and asking for help. And you can be the ones to help them for with your intentions, we can take your intentions and then transmute all of the fear, all of the anxiety, all of the sickness. So just take a moment and see in front of you a paper and once again write your intention of what you are asking today. 

Metatron is present throughout the entire meditation but comes with his specific message on 06:08.


 This channeled material may be shared on other websites on condition that no alterations or additions are made, that it is free of charge,  credit of authorship, website and this statement are posted.  Channeled by Lee Degani


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