Love To A Bully

by | Mar 9, 2016 | Lee's Love Notes, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Recently the local public schools participated in “Pink Shirt Day” to stand up to bullying. I loved seeing all the “pink shirts” as the children  arrived for our weekly afternoon Hebrew School! I explained to the children that the color pink also represents unconditional Love.

As is our ritual each week during prayers the children decide where we will send Healing Light and planned that this time it would be Pink Light for anyone who is being bullied.  As we discussed further, many of the children shared their own stories of being bullied  and how they are still affected by the experience. So the Pink Light would be for them too!

We also discussed that although bullying cannot be tolerated,  bullies  are in need of our prayers as well, for deep inside it is this unconditional Love that they too are seeking.  As the children and teachers sent Pink Light out into the universe there was, as always,  a beautiful feeling of Sacredness and Peace that filled the room.

This particular day the thought also crossed my mind of how everyone in the middle school where we lease classroom space would also benefit from the Light our children anchor when we are there.

Later that evening I received a message that one of our young mothers was bullied by another adult as she was dropping her children off for our Hebrew School.  She was shocked by the experience and I was shocked just hearing it! It was truly an “uncalled for” case of bullying. We took appropriate measures to prevent further encounters with this person who is associated with the public school.

Afterwards when digesting the story I wanted to understand it  on a spiritual, energetic level.  The mother and I had already come to the conclusion that the full parking lot due to a playoff  basketball game was a contributing factor in triggering this person.

But why did this happen on “Stand up to Bullies Day? ” Did the energy of the day  specifically bring out this person’s inner bully?  And why was this parent singled out? Even she was surprised as she has never had a similar kind of experience.

As I went within I was given the answer that as a Lightworker, I was being asked to send Unconditional Love and Light to the person who did the bullying. I was also shown the vision of the wicked witch in Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz being melted by water. This increased my understanding as water in the Kabbalah and other spiritual traditions represents the Divine Feminine – Love.

And so I have been adding the person to my daily prayers with the understanding that without knowing what is dark, how can we send it Light? Although I am sorry the young mother had the bullying experience I also know she was used as an instrument to yes,  trigger the person’s inner bully. As I told her, G-d knew she was strong enough to recover from the incident.

Later I was curious how “Pink Shirt Day”  originated and discovered it began with an incident in 2007 in Canada when a high school student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Two students took matters in their own hands and the following morning handed out 50 pink shirts to fellow students to wear. Some students came to school already dressed head to toe in pink! The school was full of Pink that day and full of Love for the bullied student.

I wonder whatever happened to the student who did the bullying. Maybe his inner bully has since been transformed and he too wears pink every year on Pink Shirt Day! But whatever he is doing now, we owe him much gratitude for being a catalyst to help us stop bullying by bringing  more Love into our world!



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