Letting Go of Keshet

by | Feb 4, 2018 | Animals, Lee's Love Notes | 7 comments

Keshet, a Star Being

Keshet Star

The last time I saw Keshet was the Saturday afternoon after Thanksgiving. She stood up on her hind legs with her paws at the windowsill. Somehow she parted the open blinds even more than they were open and put her head there, looking out of the window. She was so excited about seeing something!  My husband and I were so surprised as we had never seen her do this before. I wondered later who was calling to her….

She had shown up on my back porch a little more than three years earlier, injured and hungry. After I got her cleaned up and treated by the vet I tried to find her owner. At that time I didn’t know all of the things one does when finding a lost animal, of all the social media groups. But it wouldn’t have changed anything for Keshet had her own mind and had decided she would adopt me. This of course included training me in how to meet her needs.  I valiantly tried to make her an inside cat but she made it very clear she was used to her freedom!  We ended up installing a pet door.

Two weeks after she came she further claimed me as her own. She jumped up on me, looked straight into my eyes and gave two gentle love bites on my arm. She looked again into my eyes, jumped down and as she walked away she turned and again looked straight into my eyes. I knew this was some kind of bonding ceremony.

And we were bonded! She adored me and I adored her!  I didn’t share her with anyone else as I have with my other beloved animals.  She only had eyes for me, love for me. She tolerated my husband as she saw I cared about him. She was quite preferential as to who she liked but she did adore one of my students, a crystal child, who is now in seventh grade.

It took me a few weeks to figure out  what she wanted to be called. I finally understood it was Keshet Star. (Keshet means rainbow in Hebrew.) It was only with my husband and other light workers, that I shared how deep our relationship was, that we had been together in previous lives. She had come not only to help me with energy healing as I worked with others but to be a guide as I continued to evolve on my own spiritual journey during this time of great change.

After the first year she ventured out of our yard and began expanding her territory to the entire neighborhood. She became quite famous as Lee’s cat and had  many adventures! But she would always come back to sleep with me at night. When I wanted her to come home I would  shake her food jar. When that wouldn’t work I would call to her from my heart and she would come a little while later. She would go through periods when she would spend most of the day with me as well. That was the case the last few months before she left.

After that last Saturday in November when she still hadn’t come home a day later, I already knew deep within she needed to go onto the next step of her own journey. I asked for messages from all my intuitive friends and they all came back with the same answer but that didn’t help with the grief that began to take over, that she may be suffering somewhere and I couldn’t help her!  And so I became part of the lost pet world, mailing out flyers to the neighborhood, posting in all the groups, going to see the various cats that matched her description. The kindness and compassion from so many neighbors and strangers giving their support was just amazing.

I turned in earnest to my inner guidance and to putting into practice all of my spiritual knowledge. I was still going through periods of grief from our separation but they were less intense. I finally got to the place where I could surrender and emotionally let her go. If she was meant to come back she would. If not I was grateful for all the gifts she had given me.  I continued to leave her food out for her and still call to her each day.

About three weeks ago she came to me very clearly when I was in meditation. Afterwards there was a change. I knew then she was no longer in the physical world. But still there a glimmer of hope. Maybe I was wrong…

I had a reading a few days ago with a dear friend and light worker mentor, Linda Dillon from the Council of Love whose messages I completely trust.  And so it was confirmed…. I asked when Keshet had left and it was right after she came to me in that meditation.

I still needed to shed some more tears before I could put away her scratching pads and give away the rest of her food. Although it has been difficult to see all the posts of the lost animals and especially abused animals I have decided to stay connected to all the groups I joined in the lost pet world. Not as an active participant as the amazing and dedicated people are in that world, but to send my prayers for the lost pets and their humans. I do this in Keshet’s honor.

As I sat down to write this I found the transcript of a message from one of my guides, Alysia, that I channeled in a group I meet with weekly. It was six days after Keshet left and when the first stage of deep grief had begun. I had forgotten about this message…

It is I Beloved, Alysia, Crystal Lady. And I come to offer you my heart, and I have come to offer you my hand, and I come to offer you my warm embrace that you shall know that you are not alone and that you are loved. And that it is okay to grieve dearest one. It is okay to let the sobs out. It is okay to be vulnerable. It is okay. That is what the human experience is. The question is will you let yourself. The question is will all of you allow yourselves the full human experience. The true human experience involves pain and it involves grief and it involves sorrow and it involves joy and it involves happiness.

The question is how will you get through those times. Will you allow yourself to lean on another? Will you allow yourself to let the Love come through? When you do that you can be lifted to the highest heights and bring Joy to the whole collective, to all those who are suffering, who are grieving. For all of the mothers who don’t know where their children are. For all of the fathers who don’t know where their children are. For all of the wives who have been taken away from husbands throughout the eons of time. For all the families that have been split up.

Do not think that what you are doing is miniscule. What you are doing is huge. You are wiping away tears for many. You are solving the problems of the universe, the problems that have come to be that you have been sent to resolve. And this is one of the ways that you do it. So allow yourself to grieve dearest one. Allow yourself to cry and know that we are never far away from you. We are right here the whole time. Do you not feel us? Do you not feel us stroking your forehead, holding your neck, holding your arms, holding you the way a mother holds a baby and rocking.

And Keshet, you see her now, don’t you. You see her as she comes in her male form. And yes, she was the one speaking to you the other day. Believe, Beloved. For what you are receiving is true. She is going. She is going onto a new life. She has a journey just as you do. Yes, she is a star being but we all evolve, all of us. Even your angels, your guardian angels, we evolve too. We evolve when you evolve. We evolve and expand the entire consciousness. So allow yourself, allow yourself to grieve the sadness. But allow yourself to love for they are partners. And one does not come without the other. It is just a matter of opening your heart so that Love can come in.

And I have a message from Keshet: (Keshet speaks) My dear one, my beloved. We will be together again. This is the fifth life we have been together but there will be many more. And I will be right by your side anytime you call me. I am in your heart. Find me there. And I miss you as you miss me. But we each have our jobs that we must do in service to the One, to the Mother. But you can visit me. Come visit me at night. In the middle of the night, find me. Come travel to my planet and we will rejoice and we will roam among the rocks and we will look at the beautiful moons that surround us. Now go and continue with what you must. I Love you Beloved and I kiss you farewell.   

Keshet has given me so many beautiful gifts, too numerous and deep to completely write about at this point.  Perhaps I will in the future. For now I can only be filled with gratitude and joy that she is forever in my heart!

Love, Lee

Read more about Keshet:

My Healing Partner is a Cat

My Teacher is a Cat


This article and channeled material may be shared on other websites on condition that no alterations or additions are made, that it is free of charge,  credit of authorship, website and this statement are posted.  Channeled by Lee Degani  www.connectiontohealing.org 



  1. Diana

    Oh dear Lee,
    I teared up a bit when I read your post. It is so beautiful written and I can relate in so many ways.. Mainly because I deeply understand your love for your cat. Hope letting go helps heal your heart and soul.

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Diana! I know you understand….xxxooo

  2. Lorraine Marks

    So sad for lost Keshet, through your writing I understand the grear joy you had with her. She is forever with you in spirit

    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Lorraine for your kind and loving words! I think Keshet is still also looking out for the neighborhood! xxxxooo

  3. Genoveva

    Dearest Lee,

    She will return and she is always with you!
    I am here with you always, I am holding your hand until you are feeling better and at peace.

    Love you beyond measure!!!


    • Lee Degani

      Thank you Gen always for your love and support! You are truly my soul sister! Love you!!xxxxxooo

  4. Myra Smail

    Lee I am so sorry that Keshet left for now. It is always hard to lose the ones that we love.


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