Crossing Over

Crossing Over

I usually don’t think of an ascended master as living within me. But in this beautiful message from El Morya, he explains that his essence is within each one of us. Lately I have been getting this nudge, this inner call to just cross over. I understand now where...
The Halion Child

The Halion Child

When I wrote about Joseph last year, I didn’t know he was a Halion Child. It was only recently that I learned this, when we were working with his Infinite Light Vision and he saw a color he had never seen before. He described it as having “blues and greens...
Being of Peace Message

Being of Peace Message

At our last meditation healing circle, the Being of Peace visited us. This is only the second time she has come. Her message is so beautiful and brings much healing! Being of Peace Message channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Lee: There is a beautiful being...