
Isadora’s Father

by | Jul 7, 2024 | Children, Healing, Lee's Love Notes | 0 comments

It was at the luncheon after our student Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah service (rite of passage for a Jewish child) that Isadora’s father shared his story with us. He  was successful financially at an early age but yet he wasn’t happy within. And so he began his spiritual journey to find the answers, learning how to meditate along with gathering  wisdom from various teachers.  “We have come to earth to learn to do two things,” he said. “To love and be kind. But that isn’t always so easy.”

He told us about his daughter Isadora, of the agony and despair of having her die in her mother’s arms at the age of 25 from a rare form of cancer. Yet, Isadora’s short life of exemplifying love and kindness, is now helping others. Fulfilling her request, her parents went on to create a charitable foundation that tells Isadora’s story and gives scholarships to aspiring teachers. The recipients are chosen according to their level of kindness.

As we continued speaking, Isadora’s father shared an experience he had at a restaurant. A group he was with was speaking negatively about the waitress who had given poor service. His mentor at the time said, “ We don’t know what she has gone through today. Always look for the good in people.” Isadora’s father said he has been trying to follow  that wisdom ever since.  

I know the response so many may have. But what about a terrorist, or murderer, or child abuser?  How does one find the good there?  I still remember during my spiritual journey when I needed to feel the darkness of the Nazis in order to release and transmute it. I had this deep revelation that by hating them I was being just like them and bringing more hatred into the world. 

The way I have learned to see the good is by seeing the Divine Light within each person, to go back to a baby being born when needed. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have boundaries or take action to protect and defend ourselves. It means we stay in Divine Neutrality, seeing the from above while sending Healing Light. 

Perhaps for most people, it is even more difficult when we need to deal with a person in our inner circles that just rubs us the wrong way. I suppose that is why there are so many divisions in families and thus so much division in our world. For the outer is a reflection of the inner. Yes, being Loving and Kind takes dedication! 

What gives me hope though, are the new children coming to earth who carry this understanding.  And when they are educated by kind and loving teachers, such as those chosen through Isadora’s scholarships, we truly can create Nova Earth – a world of Love and Kindness, a World of Peace!

💕Love, Lee



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