Igniting a New Life by AAUriel

by | Dec 20, 2022 | AAUriel, Channeled Messages, Healing, Spiritual Growth | 0 comments

Channeled by Lee Degani

Audio of Channeling

Dearest One, I am Uriel, angel of light, light of G-d, light that is within thee. And you have asked a question, a question  that deserves an answer. For do not all questions have answers? They do somewhere along the line. But you are ready to take the next step. All of you are ready to take the next step that is above freedom. How can that be, you wonder? What could possibly be above freedom?

There is a world waiting for you that is more glorious and more astounding and brighter and filled with Light, more than you can ever imagine. It is calling you. It is beckoning you. And we stand waiting. Waiting for you to meet us there. And we will greet you as you step forward. 

How does one find this place that is beyond description? It is through Ignition. Yes, Ignition is starting a car but what is it that must be accomplished for the car to start? There is a new car, I understand. It’s just pushing a button! It is the intention that the car will start. But there must also be friction. 

Think of two stones that are used to create a spark, to create a fire, for that is how fires were made in the eons of history. In your workshop, which is a workshop that is ours as well, for we are co-inhabiting with you, we are right beside you, we of the Council of Love. But as Archangel of Light, I am thrilled and overjoyed that I can be one of the overseers of this divine project. 

But when there is friction, a spark ignites and that spark sets into motion what is needed for the car to start. Now the work that you will be doing, the sacred work of releasing that of the past, that which has restricted thee, with allowing us to infuse you, that will take you into the next step of freedom.

Think of yourself as the car starting, the friction was there and now you may drive upon any roads that you wish, the roads that are open. But the next step beloved is when we infuse your car with the sacred radiance, the sacred light, the sacred love. And when a blocked road appears before you, you may fly in the sky with the car above it. 

And  you may decide that you wish to stay in the sky. For there, you can soar and discover ways of being, times of Joy, bits and pieces of amazement that you have never experienced before. 

You beloveds, are the car, you beloveds are the keys, the keys that start the car, the buttons that you push. For Ignition takes form and in doing so, you ignite a new life. 

For the times have come that this new portal is open to you. Will you cross over it? Will you drive through? Will you fly through? We are waiting for you. We are waiting for Ignition and in doing so, you ignite the full divine grid.  

💕Love,  AAUriel and Lee

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