Gaia’s Message

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Gaia, Healing | 0 comments

Gaia’s message  channeled by Lee Degani 

Audio Recording 

“Beloveds, I am your mother, your earth mother and I come in deep gratitude to thank you, for you are my children. For one who is a mother, you know the joy of birthing a child and the love that you have for a child even though that child may sometimes be a little wayward. But each one of you on my earth, my land, is of Love. For you are a part of me as I am a part of you. And we are here to feed each other. 

And what do I mean by feed? Oh, yes, I feed you with my fruits and my vegetables and my water and you feed me by respecting, by loving, yes, by taking care with your plastics, by planting. And we stroke each other, for the bond between a mother and child is such that it can never be taken away, the flame can never go out, even for the child who wishes to explore and leave, even for the adult child, for there is always that connection. And there is always a connection with us and so I thank you for this connection and I thank you that you are caring for me. And so I care for you. 

Now each time you have a thought, when you look outside or if you are outside and you hear a bird sing and you just take a moment and you hear the beauty, you appreciate the sound, what happens is you are radiating out Love. And I do have my birds come to visit you and you do notice that you might feel a little bit better when you hear them. That is because they are working with your chakras, your energy centers and that is how it is meant to be. And know that every animal, every bird that flies, every fish that swims, even the crickets, have their own sound and that sound is meant to bring you into balance. 

The same is true of the wind and the trees and the leaves rustling. For they all filled with my Love. That is why when you say, I love to be outside in nature, you feel so wonderful because I am radiating out to you this Love. And I do it through the sounds, I do it through the smells, I do it through the beautiful scents that come from the flowers, that come from the trees. And so today, I bring you these healing energies so that you may be infused with them. And just as when you love me and it uplifts you, when I love you, it uplifts me because that is the connection that we have. 

So each time when you are noticing and you appreciate, whether it is a kitten or the frog or yes, even the snake, each one has its own purpose and it is to be with harmony and unity with thee so that we together may change the direction that our world, your world and mine, seems to be going. We are that powerful. 

So thank you my daughters and my sons. Thank you my children for loving me as I love you. I can never say farewell, for you only need to feel the dirt beneath your feet and you know that I am here.”

Love, Lee



Meditation Healing Circle




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