Divine Mother: Petals of Love

by | May 24, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Divine Mother-Shekinah, Healing | 0 comments

I had the most beautiful experience recently! In conjunction with being very much aware of my thoughts, the idea came from above to substitute the word “Love” each time I found myself with a lower vibrational thought. I tried it and the most exquisite love energy was infused into me!  As you can imagine, I have been “playing” with this quite a bit!  I just love that Love energy!

At the same time, I also came across a message from Shechina, the ‘Divine Mother: Petals of Love’ that was channeled a few years ago. Of course, the beauty of such a timeless channeled message is that it will appear again just when it is needed! And so I understood that substituting the word “Love” for a lower thought brings the Divine Mother’s Petals Of Love.

I hope you will also try substituting the word, Love, for those lower thoughts. Just keep saying to yourself “Love” each time those thoughts come, even if it is over and over again. I would love to hear how it goes!

Divine Mother: Petals of Love channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“I am the Divine Mother. Thank you for inviting me.  I  come to you with my petals of love, my rose petals of love. The petals that I would take, then I would just pour down on you so softly. 

That is what I wish for you beloved. That you take these petals of love,  that you sleep with them, you eat with them, you walk with them. You even bathe with them.

 Oh, there are the times when you take a rock,  the hardness of a rock and you bang it on yourself. That is not what I wish for you.

But you say Mother, I would never do such a thing. Beloved, there are the times when a thought is hard, when a word is hard, when an emotion, a feeling is hard. And when you let them take over it is though you are  banging yourself with a rock. Oh I do not criticize you for this at all. I only  bring this to your attention so you may become aware of it.

Take a rock and use its strength! Use the strength from within you to bring the petals of love. You have this strength. You have this inner strength.

So I leave you now with my petals of love,  my soft petals. They may be white, they may be pink,  they may be a mixture of colors. Farewell.”

💕Love, Lee



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