Divine Mother: Eyes of Love

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Channeled Messages, Divine Mother-Shekinah, Healing | 0 comments

When I first began my third eye blindfold program, I asked Metatron* what the name should be and was given the name “Infinite Child Institute” with the acronym ICI. I just loved the play on words with the initials ICI “I see I.” When we “see” without our physical eyes, we are seeing the Divine aspects of who we really are.

A little later,  I was given the name “Infinite Light Vision” for the actual program with the acronym “ILV.”  This time I just loved how the acronym brought the message “I Love” (I L-V)

It wasn’t until recently when I received this message from the Divine Mother, Shechina, that I realized that the “I” also refers to Eyes of Love!

The Divine Mother: Eyes of Love

Audio Recording

Dearest One, I am your mother, the Divine Mother, Shechinah, your beloved and I love you as only a mother can. And I have birthed you with much that is your divine right for you are divine. You are my divine creation, a creation made with love.

You have forgotten, you have forgotten some of the gifts, the equipment that you were created with. You may think of it as what you were installed with. It seems rather humorous. But it is the divine truth, beloved.

You were given eyes to see but there is a deeper way of seeing that is with your divine eyes, your I-L-V, Infinite Light Vision Eyes. Yes it is called ILV, I Love, for they are the eyes of love. They are the eyes of love for you to see and it is the essence of you. The “I” – that you love as well and you say, “I Love” for when you love, you are integrating my love at the same time. For we are one and the same.

So come beloved, come and see, see with the eyes of love. See with the “I Love”  and you will see in the way that I always meant for you to see. For it is way beyond that of the physical dimension, it is integrating.

I leave you with much love. Now set your sacred intention that you will see with my eyes, with your eyes. Farewell.

*Metatron is the archangel that works with teachers of the new children. These children have come to raise the vibration of the planet. The work we are doing in the Infinite Child Institute is awakening these children so they remember who they really are and what they have come to do.

💕Love,  Lee and the DM

Thinking about joining us for Igniting Infinite Light Vision and Seeing with Eyes of Love? It is  this weekend, Aug. 26-27! Register Here!




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