Divine Mother: Connect to Me

by | May 29, 2024 | Channeled Messages, Divine Mother-Shekinah, Healing | 0 comments

During our May meditation healing circle, the Divine Mother came with what seems to be a simple request, that each day we wake up and connect to her, that we can find her in our hearts. She calls this connection the “Love of Thee.” This just seems so profound and has truly touched me to my inner core that especially in this time of Unity, connecting to her is connecting to ourselves. 

Divine Mother: Connect with Me channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording 

“Greetings, my beloved ones. Yes, I am the Divine Mother, Shechina. I am mother of your heart, mother of your compassion, mother of your love. And that love is always with you. 

You may sometimes wake up in the morning and you may feel that your body is letting you down or your emotions are taking hold. And you wonder, with all the problems that I am facing, and so much I have to deal with, how can I face the day? Know that there is one thing that I ask you to do and as soon as you wake up to do it. To connect with me.  For as you connect with me you are connecting to Thee. 

For you see, I live within you. I live within your very cells but you can find me when you go into your heart. Oh, we have brought this teaching to you in so many ways throughout the eons of history. You have many prayers to do so. You have many instructions of how to do so. And it is just really so simple and so basic, yet you forget. 

We do not judge you for this and we do not say that you are doing something wrong. But I come with this gentle reminder, that you do not have to face each day alone without sustenance. Oh, well maybe some days you would think of not eating for you wish to clear out toxins from your body. Or perhaps you are going on a special fast. But you may always ingest the Love that I have for you. For beloved, that Love that I have for you is really the Love that you have for yourself. So often you forget this. So I come today to remind you to use your heart. It is a place where you can always find me, where we can always connect. 

Now, if you do not stay in your heart, that doesn’t mean that I am not there. All it means is that consciously, you are not aware. So I ask you beloveds to do it now, to just think of your heart. You only need to focus there and you will find me. I will be with thee for the rest of this session. 

Know that whenever you ask, whenever you make that decision to go into your heart, you will know me. For Love can have no definition but it is something that you can feel. It is the Love of peace, it is the Love of healing, it is the Love of Joy. It is the Love of innocence. It is the Love of the universe, it is the Love of Thee. 

I do not say farewell, for I am never gone. “

💕Love, Lee



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