Crossing Over

by | Apr 26, 2024 | Channeled Messages | 0 comments

I usually don’t think of an ascended master as living within me. But in this beautiful message from El Morya, he explains that his essence is within each one of us. Lately I have been getting this nudge, this inner call to just cross over. I understand now where it is coming from and that it is a call for all of us.

El Morya: Crossing Over channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

“Greetings, dearest ones, I am El Morya. You may know me as the patriarch that was called Abraham. But that was one of my lifetimes on earth and I bring you the essence of that lifetime. For just as you are experiencing this lifetime on earth so do I know the travails and the difficulties, the hardships that one encounters, that many encounter, that all encounter.

But as that one of Abraham, Avraham, Abram, I crossed over. I crossed over, yes, the river, but I crossed over from one state to another, to the inner knowing which reflected in the outer knowing that I was now one with God. One with the Divine Source and in that state of oneness, I could accomplish much. Not only could I accomplish much, but I could be all that I was meant to be.

I am asking you beloveds, will you cross over? Will you cross over the river, will you cross over the bridge? Will you cross over the difficulties, the state of mind that is telling you, it is not possible?  For it is.

You have within you what one may think of a magical power to do so. It is just a matter of declaring and taking the step. Know that I will be with you, that I am with you at all times. But for you to know me, which is in essence knowing a deep part of yourself, you can consciously call me or think of me and I will bring that awareness to you.

Follow the call, follow the call of your heart. Follow the call of your heart even when it seems far fetched, even when it seems an impossible dream, for it is not just a dream, beloved. It is what is calling you, what is calling thee. ”

I leave you now, but know that I live within you. Farewell. ”

💕Love always, Lee

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