Classes and Events

Kabbalah Healing Meditation Circle


Tuesday Monthly Meditation Healing Circle

Need some spiritual tools to manage during these unprecedented times?                  

Experience energetic tools from the teachings of the Kabbalah and Council of Love appropriate for all faiths and cultures to connect to Healing, Inner Peace, Hope and Joy for ourselves and others. Guided Meditation overseen by Metatron. Facilitated by Lee Degani with help from Kitty Nova!

From Newcomer Steve: “I have never gone so high spiritually and could actually focus! I can’t wait for next month!”

Normally First Tuesday of the month. 7:30 PM ET

Tuesdays:   Jan. 7, Feb. 3, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, Sept. 2

Recording available if you are unable to attend. 

From Johanna: “I absolutely feel so much lighter and after listening to the Circles, the color has returned to my face. It was AAMichael that reminded and led me to your videos this morning! “

More Information and Zoom Link


 Infinite Light Vision 




Infinite Light Vision Sessions with Children Virtual or In Person

In this eight week program, children learn that they are truly infinite with unlimited possibilities! Children read blindfolded as well as perform other activities such as putting together jigsaw puzzles, drawing, catching a ball and playing computer games all without using their physical eyes. Learning to read blindfolded is just one aspect of the program and is used as a tool  to help children become transformed and empowered in every part of their lives including  changes academically, emotionally and spiritually!  More Information 

Teacher Training Infinite Light Vision with Ongoing Live Classes

In  recordings of two live workshops, Lee and her husband, David, will teach you the beginning methods and spiritual techniques to awaken a part of the brain that has been dormant  which enables seeing and reading with the third eye, our Inner Light Vision! Whether you wish to work with your own child, other people’s children or apply the techniques to yourself, learn how to utilize Inner Light Vision, letting it develop into Infinite Light Vision! Optional Teacher Certification.  Ongoing bi-monthly classes. More Information


Piano Lessons with Infinite Light 


Piano Lessons

Virtual or In Person Lessons for Children and Adults

Piano has been my absolute Joy since childhood! It is my continued Joy to share the Love of Piano with your child or you! Integrating aspects of seeing with Infinite Light Vision when needed helps students have an easier time focusing during lessons, learning new material and overcoming emotional challenges with the piano such as frustration, overwhelm or issues with being a perfectionist! Students just love this aspect of their lessons! 

Lessons Offered

Forty-five minutes piano lesson

If you are interested in Piano Lessons for a child or adult, please contact me  and we can discuss further.

More Information


Awakening Joy Workshop

A Journey of Love and Healing


Recorded Webinar from a Live Workshop

Joy is our natural state of being. Yet being in Joy when we are others are suffering can feel like a betrayal. What if Deeper Joy is the answer?

Join Lee and David Degani and the Council of Love and receive energy attunements to  access and utilize this state of Joy even if you usually find Joy elusive!

From the Arcturian Elders: “Joy is a spark of the white Divine Light that is within each one of you… Joy is the energy, is the creative force that We tap into, that We utilize to bring healing, to raise the frequency of all projects that We have taken. It is inherent within you….”

Don’t miss this amazing workshop!  The recording  contain the same energies as the live workshop.

More Information

Additional Recorded Webinars and Offerings