Channeled Messages

AAMichael: Seeds of Peace

AAMichael: Seeds of Peace

AAMichael channeled by Lee Degani I Am Michael, Mi-cha-el. Welcome. Greetings. Love, Peace, Joy. I am a warrior, a warrior of peace. And with the peace do not these things come? Love, Joy, Peace? For are they not one and the same from Source?. From the Divine Mother?...

Being of Peace

Being of Peace

The most beautiful Being came during our monthly meditation circle. She called herself the aspect of Peace but later she helped me understand she is  Being of Peace. And that when we are Being of Peace we activate her. I hope you love her message and the Peace Prayer...

Anja: The Names of Love

Anja: The Names of Love

A message from Spirit Being Anja, channeled by Lee Degani Shalom. I am Anja. The Arcturians have called to me and so I have come. Oh, you do not remember how you have called to me. But it is within the thoughts in the middle of the night in the dreamtimes. For we ...

AAUriel: Exchange Goodness for Loveness

AAUriel: Exchange Goodness for Loveness

AAUriel channeled by Lee Degani I am Uriel. I come to you today in my full glory, in my full Light, (1) to let you know dear ones that you are strong enough, that you are brave enough, that yes, you are special enough that I would come to visit you.Yes, you are strong...

Metatron: Message from the Children

Metatron: Message from the Children

Archangel Metatron channeled by Lee Degani I am Metatron, servant of thee. I come when called and I come to assist all that call upon me. And yes, I work with the children. I work with many but the children are dear to my heart. And they have come to bring you a...

Metatron: The Meaning of Righteousness

Metatron: The Meaning of Righteousness

Archangel  Metatron Channeled by Lee Degani I am Metatron, your guide, one with the universe. The subject of judgement has come up that you sometimes judge yourself in not having the compassion that you think you should have. But dear ones, beloved ones, when you step...

A Message from AARaphael

A Message from AARaphael

Archangel Raphael channeled by Lee Degani  (Lee says: “Someone is Here.”) I am my Love, I am Beloved. I am Archangel Raphael. I come in many forms so don’t be surprised that you see me this way, that you see me with those eyes. Because my eyes are always looking at...