Channeled Messages

The Rainbow’s Message

The Rainbow’s Message

I suppose we all have stories of rainbows appearing just when they are needed. It reminds me to never give up hope, to hold fast to my dreams. That we are not alone.  There is one time that I will never forget. The woman is in her 30’s now. Back then she  was a...

AARaphael: Seeds of Healing

AARaphael: Seeds of Healing

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Lee: And coming out of the middle of our circle is AARaphael, angel of healing, angel of green, of the green elixir, angel of also of Joy because when we receive the beautiful healing all of the heavenly beings are filled with...

Gaia: Finding Joy

Gaia: Finding Joy

With so much coming up to the surface to be healed for us as individuals and collectively, it isn’t always easy to “stay above” and not be pulled down. I know many lightworkers and empaths do not follow the news for this very reason! I completely understand as that...

The Elders: Love is in the Air

The Elders: Love is in the Air

I wondered what I was going to write in this week's newsletter and kept hearing “Love is in the air, utilize it.” It isn’t the first time I received this “snippet message” from the Arcturian Elders. It first came a few weeks ago but I wasn't quite sure what it meant...

AAMichael: The World’s Trigger

AAMichael: The World’s Trigger

  Being on the path of ascension, we all know about triggers, of how they help us grow further. But they are certainly not easy to get through! In this powerful message from AAMichael, he tells us we are experiencing a trigger for the entire world. I have...

AAMichael: Warriors of Peace

AAMichael: Warriors of Peace

As I continue to work  in the etheric realms with the wars in our world, it can sometimes feel like a betrayal to be in a state of Joy when so many are suffering and more innocent lives are being taken. But this is actually how we can work with the energy of the...

AAUriel: Seeing as Angels

AAUriel: Seeing as Angels

  Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest One, I am AAUriel, bringer of Light, Light of the One, Light of you. And you can see this Light for it is You, beloveds. When you see with your heart, you are seeing with this Light. Yes, it is true that this...

AAMichael: The Veil is Dissolved

AAMichael: The Veil is Dissolved

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest Ones, I am AAMi-cha-el, Michael, Warrior of Peace, Angel of Blue and Beloved One to you. I do not come just as  one, but I come as the many. The unity of all, the consciousness of One. You often think that we are far...

AAGabrielle: New Beginnings

AAGabrielle: New Beginnings

May is a special month for my family! My husband, son and I all have May birthdays. This year is a big one as my son is turning 40 and my husband 70- although he insists he is turning 29! As for me, I still can’t figure out my age! I think 16!  AAGabrielle brought...

Gaia’s Message for Earth Day

Gaia’s Message for Earth Day

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest One, I am Gaia, your mother, your earthly mother. We are created, constructed of the same ingredients, of Love, of Light that is formed into the physical realm. You are of me and I am of you. There are times that you...

Dr. Peebles: Healing Gifts

Dr. Peebles: Healing Gifts

I love this message from a spirit guide for many, Dr. Peebles. The message was for a woman who experiences migraines but also for us no matter what health issue we are facing! We will be focusing on this guidance during our meditation healing circle on Tuesday, April...

AAYofiel: Beauty of Communication

AAYofiel: Beauty of Communication

Recently a friend told me that she was quite unhappy with her adult son’s choice of a girlfriend. She was also upset that his attitude towards his mother would change in a negative way after being with the girlfriend. She wanted to be able to tell her son this. Of...

The Elders on Joy

The Elders on Joy

So many people tell me that Joy is elusive for them. It seems something happened along the way for we are designed to be Beings of Joy! But we can get back there!  In the Hebrew calendar which goes by the moon, there is an entire month called Adar, which helps us...

Beauty of Leaks by AAYofiel

Beauty of Leaks by AAYofiel

Did you ever have a feeling that something in your house was calling to you? That happened to me with a corner in my kitchen. When I finally investigated, I discovered there was water in my cabinets with mold growing. The leak was from the upstairs bathroom and also...

Creating Miracles by AAUriel

Creating Miracles by AAUriel

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio of Channeling Greetings dearest ones, I AM AAUriel. You may know me as Yuriel, Light of G-d, Angel of Light. Angel of Silver Light. I come to thee today to bring you this Light, to help you remember that it is always within thee and you...

Doubt by The Elders

Doubt by The Elders

Channeled by Lee Degani Have you ever doubted yourself?  I just love this message from The Elders! They began transmitting snippets of messages to me on Oct. 24th. I learned soon after that they are a group energy from Arcturus. This is a much longer message than the...

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

It is still etched in my memory when the six teens walked on the stage. They each lit their candle and placed it on the table. Six candles: red, white, blue, red, white, blue. Six hundred people in the sanctuary in complete silence. Six days after 9-11. We were...