Channeled Messages

The Elders: The Voice Within

The Elders: The Voice Within

The Elders, a group of Arcturian Beings first began bringing me messages in October of 2022. I am always delighted to hear from them and especially with this message of how to hear our inner voice when we have difficult decisions to make. Audio Recording "Greetings,...

Angel of Light: Deservingness

Angel of Light: Deservingness

During our January meditation healing circle, the Angel of Light came with what I consider to be a profound message. She explained that deservingness is really a made up term for we do not need to be “deserving” to receive healing or be in in a state of Joy!   Angel...

St. Germaine: Imagine

St. Germaine: Imagine

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Greetings. I am St. Germaine and I come to you with my title of Saint because it is to let you know, that you also have this same title. Now what is a saint? A saint is seen as someone who does good works, one that is connected...

The Essence of Oneness

The Essence of Oneness

There is just something about this channeled message that calls to me. I have listened to it over and over again and each time I feel as though something so profound is being activated within me! I hope it touches your heart as well! The Essence of Oneness channeled...

Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom

Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom

  Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom & Dragon Essence Healing  channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording This channeling came through during our Nov. Meditation Healing Circle which was Election Day in the US. After Quan Yin spoke and radiated her essence  to us, the...

Gaia: Winds of Change

Gaia: Winds of Change

I have had many reach out to me the past 10 days.  How does one go on when filled with despair? I just love this answer from Gaia! Gaia: Winds of Change channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest Ones, I am your mother, I am Gaia, your Mother Earth, the one that...

Yahweh: Power Within & Without

Yahweh: Power Within & Without

  Yahweh brought us such an empowering message during our October meditation healing circle. This was when Hurricane Milton was approaching Florida but Yahweh’s message helps us to deal with anything that comes our way Yahweh: The Power Within and Without Audio...

AAMichael: Bubble of Love

AAMichael: Bubble of Love

So many of us as Lightworkers have learned early on to place a bubble of protection around us each day. AAMichael asks us to see this as a Bubble of Love, for it has the power to transmute anything of the lower vibratory nature into Love. I am certainly going to be...

Gaia’s Message

Gaia’s Message

Gaia’s message  channeled by Lee Degani  Audio Recording  "Beloveds, I am your mother, your earth mother and I come in deep gratitude to thank you, for you are my children. For one who is a mother, you know the joy of birthing a child and the love that you have for a...

AAMichael: Words of Peace

AAMichael: Words of Peace

Lately, I have been hearing talk about “toning down the rhetoric.” Back in the late summer of 2019, my husband decided to go on a “word fast” and announced it to everyone hoping they would follow suit. He absolutely would not say anything negative about another...

Crossing Over

Crossing Over

I usually don't think of an ascended master as living within me. But in this beautiful message from El Morya, he explains that his essence is within each one of us. Lately I have been getting this nudge, this inner call to just cross over. I understand now where it is...

Arcturian Message: Being Mindful

Arcturian Message: Being Mindful

I love the whole idea of mindfulness and have practiced it or at least try to practice it for many years now! I love the state of peace that it brings. But I never really thought of it as a way to create the reality we wish as the following channeled message tells us....

Being of Peace Message

Being of Peace Message

At our last meditation healing circle, the Being of Peace visited us. This is only the second time she has come. Her message is so beautiful and brings much healing! Being of Peace Message channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Lee: There is a beautiful being...

The Elders: Aspects of Joy

The Elders: Aspects of Joy

This is such a  beautiful message from the Arcturian Elders to help us all energetically receive the various aspects of Joy. Hope you love their message and the energy that radiates from it as much as I do! The Elders: Aspects of Joy channeled by Lee Degani Audio...