The Power of Blue

The Power of Blue

I have never been one to go to the gym. The energies of all the people combined with the loud music and noise was always just too much for me to handle. Anyone who is an empath would definitely understand! And I am one to the nth degree! But recently, … Read...
Hearing Thoughts

Hearing Thoughts

People keep sending me messages to listen to the Telepathy Tapes which I have already been following. If you haven’t been doing so, I so hope you will! This podcast series explores the telepathic abilities of non-verbal children and young adults with Autism. Of...
A Grandmother’s Gift

A Grandmother’s Gift

When my daughter  dressed my granddaughter, Solstice, in an outfit with an owl on it, I didn’t understand its significance. At least not at first.  I was just excited that for some  unknown reason, I had happened to pack a sweater with an owl on it. I showed Solstice...
Tyson’s Heart Experience

Tyson’s Heart Experience

Recently one of my adorable piano students, six years old, had to have oral surgery. Tyson was quite nervous about it and so was his mother, especially since parents  aren’t allowed to be in the room during the procedure. I told his mom, I would work on transmuting...


Serendipity! I just love its lyrical sound! Makes me feel like twirling around – laughing! I certainly love seeing synchronicities in my life! But serendipity seems to be so much more. The dictionary defines it as “the occurrence and development of events by...