by Lee Degani | Jul 10, 2023 | Healing, Lee's Love Notes, Nova Earth
I had a very interesting experience recently. My phone needed service so I was “disconnected” for a few hours. It was a very strange feeling. I just keep the phone with me all the time, and use it to see the time, reminders, emails, read, take pictures, you know what...
by Lee Degani | May 24, 2023 | Children, Gaia, Healing, Lee's Love Notes
I still remember the scene so vividly from 17 years ago. It was when a lightworker friend of ours was living with my husband and me. Each day, the three of us would gather together and journey into the higher realms to work on whatever issues needed our prayers. This...
by Lee Degani | May 14, 2023 | Children, Healing, Lee's Love Notes
I still remember as a child asking my mother why we have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day but not Children’s Day. She replied, “Everyday is Children’s Day! That answer must have satisfied me as I remember happily running off to play. But in thinking about it...
by Lee Degani | Apr 28, 2023 | AAGavriel, Channeled Messages, Healing
May is a special month for my family! My husband, son and I all have May birthdays. This year is a big one as my son is turning 40 and my husband 70- although he insists he is turning 29! As for me, I still can’t figure out my age! … Read the rest Share...
by Lee Degani | Apr 22, 2023 | Channeled Messages, Gaia, Healing
Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest One, I am Gaia, your mother, your earthly mother. We are created, constructed of the same ingredients, of Love, of Light that is formed into the physical realm. You are of me and I am of you. There are times that you...
by Lee Degani | Apr 16, 2023 | Channeled Messages, Healing, Metatron
Do you ever listen to a song or piece of music over and over again? I do this all the time but it is with music I am playing on the piano. Usually when I begin working on a new piece, I just can’t get enough of it. With this … Read the rest Share...