Gaia: Finding Joy

Gaia: Finding Joy

With so much coming up to the surface to be healed for us as individuals and collectively, it isn’t always easy to “stay above” and not be pulled down. I know many lightworkers and empaths do not follow the news for this very reason! I completely understand as that...
Lighting up the Neighborhood

Lighting up the Neighborhood

It was in 2015 that my husband who is a rabbi decided he wanted to do a mitzvah (a good deed) and volunteered to put up the Christmas Lights at the entrance of our neighborhood. And so began the yearly tradition of the Rabbi of the neighborhood putting up the …...
AAMichael: The World’s Trigger

AAMichael: The World’s Trigger

  Being on the path of ascension, we all know about triggers, of how they help us grow further. But they are certainly not easy to get through! In this powerful message from AAMichael, he tells us we are experiencing a trigger for the entire world. I have...
The Secret of the Black Heart

The Secret of the Black Heart

A dear friend told me this isn’t easy work. She was referring to staying above the chaos in the world and to not take sides. Spiritual work 101- the more we focus on something, the more we manifest it. So how do we not take a side against those who … Read the...