My Teacher is a Cat

My Teacher is a Cat

Anyone who has ever heard my cat,  Keshet Star, express herself knows she can be quite vocal! Under her tutelage (she prefers  I learn through the trial and error method) I have pretty much figured out what most of her sounds mean such as: “I like my water...
Handing Over Worries

Handing Over Worries

While I was out of town recently, an  adorable 11 year old  took care of my cat,  Keshet Star.  She was so thrilled with the gift I brought her,  “Worry Dolls!”  We read the instructions together which say to tell each doll a worry and then put them under...
My Healing Partner Is A Cat

My Healing Partner Is A Cat

It took me some time before I understood why my cat, Keshet came into my life.  She first showed up at my door the summer of 2014, Aug. 5th to be exact and began taking the necessary steps to adopt me! The last time I had cats was over 25 … Read the rest Share...