AAMichael: The Veil is Dissolved

AAMichael: The Veil is Dissolved

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest Ones, I am AAMi-cha-el, Michael, Warrior of Peace, Angel of Blue and Beloved One to you. I do not come just as  one, but I come as the many. The unity of all, the consciousness of One. You often think that we are...
Gaia’s Message for Earth Day

Gaia’s Message for Earth Day

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest One, I am Gaia, your mother, your earthly mother. We are created, constructed of the same ingredients, of Love, of Light that is formed into the physical realm. You are of me and I am of you. There are times that you...
Dr. Peebles: Healing Gifts

Dr. Peebles: Healing Gifts

I love this message from a spirit guide for many, Dr. Peebles. The message was for a woman who experiences migraines but also for us no matter what health issue we are facing! We will be focusing on this guidance during our meditation healing circle on Tuesday, April...