AAMichael: Bubble of Love

AAMichael: Bubble of Love

So many of us as Lightworkers have learned early on to place a bubble of protection around us each day. AAMichael asks us to see this as a Bubble of Love, for it has the power to transmute anything of the lower vibratory nature into Love. I am certainly going …...
Gaia’s Message

Gaia’s Message

Gaia’s message  channeled by Lee Degani  Audio Recording  “Beloveds, I am your mother, your earth mother and I come in deep gratitude to thank you, for you are my children. For one who is a mother, you know the joy of birthing a child and the love that you have...
AAMichael: Words of Peace

AAMichael: Words of Peace

Lately, I have been hearing talk about “toning down the rhetoric.” Back in the late summer of 2019, my husband decided to go on a “word fast” and announced it to everyone hoping they would follow suit. He absolutely would not say anything negative about another...