Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom

Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom

  Quan Yin: Flame of Freedom & Dragon Essence Healing  channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording This channeling came through during our Nov. Meditation Healing Circle which was Election Day in the US. After Quan Yin spoke and radiated her essence  to us, the...
Gaia: Winds of Change

Gaia: Winds of Change

I have had many reach out to me the past 10 days.  How does one go on when filled with despair? I just love this answer from Gaia! Gaia: Winds of Change channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest Ones, I am your mother, I am Gaia, your Mother Earth, … Read...
Yahweh: Power Within & Without

Yahweh: Power Within & Without

  Yahweh brought us such an empowering message during our October meditation healing circle. This was when Hurricane Milton was approaching Florida but Yahweh’s message helps us to deal with anything that comes our way Yahweh: The Power Within and Without Audio...