AAMichael: Bubble of Love

AAMichael: Bubble of Love

So many of us as Lightworkers have learned early on to place a bubble of protection around us each day. AAMichael asks us to see this as a Bubble of Love, for it has the power to transmute anything of the lower vibratory nature into Love. I am certainly going …...
AAMichael: Words of Peace

AAMichael: Words of Peace

Lately, I have been hearing talk about “toning down the rhetoric.” Back in the late summer of 2019, my husband decided to go on a “word fast” and announced it to everyone hoping they would follow suit. He absolutely would not say anything negative about another...
AAMichael: The World’s Trigger

AAMichael: The World’s Trigger

  Being on the path of ascension, we all know about triggers, of how they help us grow further. But they are certainly not easy to get through! In this powerful message from AAMichael, he tells us we are experiencing a trigger for the entire world. I have...
AAMichael: Warriors of Peace

AAMichael: Warriors of Peace

As I continue to work  in the etheric realms with the wars in our world, it can sometimes feel like a betrayal to be in a state of Joy when so many are suffering and more innocent lives are being taken. But this is actually how we can work with … Read the rest...
AAMichael: The Veil is Dissolved

AAMichael: The Veil is Dissolved

Channeled by Lee Degani Audio Recording Dearest Ones, I am AAMi-cha-el, Michael, Warrior of Peace, Angel of Blue and Beloved One to you. I do not come just as  one, but I come as the many. The unity of all, the consciousness of One. You often think that we are...