Being of Peace Message

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Being of Peace, Channeled Messages | 0 comments

At our last meditation healing circle, the Being of Peace visited us. This is only the second time she has come. Her message is so beautiful and brings much healing!

Being of Peace Message channeled by Lee Degani

Audio Recording

Lee: There is a beautiful being present. She has visited us before. She is the Being of Peace and she is coming tonight to help us bring peace within and peace without. And I step aside for her.

Being of Peace: Shalom, Welcome. You may know me as the Love that is within your very being. You may know me as the sparkling stars that you see at night and when you gaze at them, they bring you a sense of wonder. They bring you a sense of awe. They bring you a sense that all is well. Beloveds, that is what is Peace. 

Peace is the sense that all is well. All is well within and when all is well within, it begins to trickle outwards. Ah, you are beginning to understand that and part of the reason why you gather in these love groups is so that you may access this peace within. For the peace within brings much with it. Its fuel is Love but the fuel is like the wind that makes the sailboat float along the waves. The peace within is the step to healing. You ask for healing, you ask for the situations in your families, in your communities, within your sacred self. You ask that they be healed. And yes, we are all working together to bring that, but beloveds, it is the peace, the peace within that is the first step. 

Now, how you wonder, can you possibly be in a beautiful state of peace if one is in pain. You find the sparkling star within and it will be there. Come let us travel now, let us travel to the stars and there may you learn that the star energy is within you. Shalom. 

The shhh of shalom is the sacred fire energy. The mmm is the sacred feminine energy. The ahhh is the Love. When you bring them all together as one, you have Shalom. Peace.

The First Message of the Being of Peace is Here

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